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kzn 185

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  • kzn 185

    hello everyone, i just bought a damaged gen 3 surf 3.0, so now starts the job of finding parts and getting it back on the road, it will be my daily driver so i want to do it properly but dont have loads of spare cash at the moment, so i'm trying to find used parts where i can, things like headlight, indicator, bumper, grill, maybe wing, etc. i will need the bottom knuckle thingy and/or track rod end as the driver side wheel is out of line but i will get these new if i can find them, i can't see what is bent but the knuckle is about 1mm from the brake disc cover on the damaged side and about 8mm the non damaged side. so, has anyone got any spares for sale and info on places to get parts? here's hoping!, cheers, mark....... p.s. pictures of damage below

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  • #2
    Best place is either Ebay or try Tony at 4x4 toys who has a lot of parts
    Rob Watson (forum owner and admin)


    • #3
      many thanks rob, struggling at the moment, not a lot on fleaby but i will give tony a shout as i didn't know about them, cheers.


      • #4
        Hi Nobster,

        I had an accident recently and needed the steering knuckle: eventually I found one off a 1998 Prado/Colorado at a scrap yard. Pattern part supplier don't seem to make steering knuckles.
        Bear in in mind that the 1996 to 2005 (I think) Colorado shares the same steering, suspension and chassis as the 3rd Gen surf, so that's useful when looking for spares. Also engine spares as most of them came with the KZ TE same as the surf.

        Other steering and suspension parts (lower arm, ball joints, etc) are easily sourced from Roughtrax or Milner 4x4 or similar places.

        Good luck
        Last edited by tashtego; 9 February 2019, 10:56.


        • #5
          nice one tashtego, i was thinking they must have used the same parts on different vehicles but had no idea which and can't find part numbers to cross reference, which is a right pain anyway, still, i've managed to get lights and bumper sorted so just need wing and grille and whatever the part is that is bent on the steering.
          out of interest, did you change your steering knuckle because the wheel was pointing outwards while the other was straight?
          thanks for the prado/colorado tip, much appreciated, cheers, nob.


          • #6
            while i'm here does anybody know the names or numbers for the silver paint as i think i can only get a black primer wing so will need to paint (probably with a rattle can.....doh!!)


            • #7
              Originally posted by nobster View Post
              nice one tashtego, i was thinking they must have used the same parts on different vehicles but had no idea which and can't find part numbers to cross reference, which is a right pain anyway, still, i've managed to get lights and bumper sorted so just need wing and grille and whatever the part is that is bent on the steering.
              out of interest, did you change your steering knuckle because the wheel was pointing outwards while the other was straight?
              thanks for the prado/colorado tip, much appreciated, cheers, nob.
              No, on the damaged side the wheel has slightly caved in/bent inwards.This the part.


              If you find Colorado parts at a scrap yard, they are a straight swap: all suspension, steering etc. Basically if you remove the shell and the seats/dash/trim, everything else is the same. The rear springs are stiffer in the Colorado, but that's about it.



              • #8
                Originally posted by nobster View Post
                while i'm here does anybody know the names or numbers for the silver paint as i think i can only get a black primer wing so will need to paint (probably with a rattle can.....doh!!)
                Mine has a plaque on the back wall of the engine bay with the codes on it. Should have separate codes for colour and trim.


                • #9
                  Hey nobster where did you find your lights? I'm struggling to find those here cheers!


                  • #10
                    You should find you paint code on this website http://www.toyotareference.com/4runner/1996-2002

