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Book Price on Surf?

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  • Book Price on Surf?

    Today a guy called me up about the surf im selling.. i told him the price of 5k and that was with no offers..

    He then told me the price i was asking was way over the book price and that i need to be more realistic?? I quizzed him about where he got the book price from "Glasses" or "Parkers" etc and he laughed and said it was a proper trade price guide not Glasses etc..

    Anyone any ideas on this Book? and if so what it says my L 94 Surf 3.0 ssrx is worth!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Assasin-uk
    Today a guy called me up about the surf im selling.. i told him the price of 5k and that was with no offers..

    He then told me the price i was asking was way over the book price and that i need to be more realistic?? I quizzed him about where he got the book price from "Glasses" or "Parkers" etc and he laughed and said it was a proper trade price guide not Glasses etc..

    Anyone any ideas on this Book? and if so what it says my L 94 Surf 3.0 ssrx is worth!!
    Tell him its not a trade sale THE MUPPET


    • #3
      He maybe using the CAP grey book.

      Whats your mileage in Kilometres and I'll tell you what it says for Retail etc..


      • #4
        Imports aren't covered in glasses or cap I have they only list the 4runner


        • #5
          Imports aren't covered in glasses or cap I have they only list the 4runner
          I have the GREY BOOK for all imports and its just downloaded the April values.

          Amended to show uploaded jpg of values.

          I can do a mileage adjustment if you send me the info.

          Attached Files
          Last edited by deggers; 29 March 2005, 16:51.


          • #6
            Originally posted by deggers
            I have the GREY BOOK for all imports and its just downloaded the April values.

            Amended to show uploaded jpg of values.

            I can do a mileage adjustment if you send me the info.

            Does that mean my 2.4td is likly to be worth around £3000 max then ?

            Its done 76000 miles on a J-plate and is in mint condition.


            • #7
              It all really depends on where you are, I have seen 94 L going for £4000 and some to £5400. I know of a couple forum members who paid £4500 for 94 L a couple of years ago.
              It all down to that old thing of shopping around and the optional extras & condition of course.
              Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

              My 4x4
              My choice
              Back off


              • #8
                Originally posted by Assasin-uk
                Anyone any ideas on this Book? and if so what it says my L 94 Surf 3.0 ssrx is worth!!
                It's only worth the same as all the others in Autotrader (best price guide ever )
                [COLOR=Red][FONT=Century Gothic]the unexamined life is not worth living...[/FONT][/COLOR]


                • #9
                  I would agree on using autotrader website - best way of getting a guide price as you can see trade and private sales from all over the country. However, most of these prices are still what people want rather than what they will sell for.

                  When I was looking for my 2nd gen 3L recently the lowest I found was £3900 (which looked mint) right up to £7000!! (which also looked mint). Mileage/condition only seemed to have a small bearing on prices.

                  5k seems a reasonable price for a good condition 95 3L, personally I would not pay more though (enough good ones available at 5k) - I would just stick it out for a bit and ignore muppets like the one that called you.
                  No longer a Surf owner.


                  • #10
                    i'd say 5k is ok but some may be put off by NO OFFERS.
                    If you can hang in there for 5k. If I'd looked around for longer I probably could have got a lower mileage/better condition Surf but I needed the car, and it was also in London.
                    Mine was pretty cheap but not bad nick - its no minter.
                    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                    • #11
                      Thanks for all the info guys..

                      £5000 ono its is...

                      Im gonna throw in the sony remote mp3 player, jbl speakers and sub and the electrolumicent dails at that price too to hopefull close the sale..

                      Oh yeah, may take px on a golf for the mrs still also...

