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Wasn't that the silliest thing

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  • Wasn't that the silliest thing

    A thread for your silliest/stupidest thing you have done. Brought a few over from the old forum to get going.


    Reversed up outside mums house stopped well short of fence to drop tailgate and unload new kitchen. Kitchen unloaded jumped into motor
    shut door, took off handbrake to roll back nearer fence. Fence getting nearer moves right foot to brake pedal, foot wont move, trys again still foot won't move. Quick glance at leg to see if foots still attached, craaaaack one surf through six foot fence panel. Quickly grabbed handbrake before i ended up through the house.
    Another check on foot reveals shoe lace stuck in door!!!!!!!!!!! so thats why it wouldn't move. One 6 foot fence panel demolished, one surf unscathed.

    Went through the car wash today had my grandaughter in the back of my Landcruiser, lined up with tracks put in nuetrel and started getting pulled through, heard the baby shouting l turned round and saw l had left her window down, paniced pressed all the buttons and knocked the gear stick into drive half way through the washer, broke 2 censors and the big brush no damage to Landcruiser.
    OH buy the way the baby was giggling all the time.

    Stupidest thing I did in my Surf was stop in deep mud to take photos. By the time I got back in to mive off it had sunk in up to the chassis! Cost me £50 for a tractor tow out.

    Lesson- if you're still moving in the sticky stuff- KEEP MOVING.....

    Tony N
    Drained oil, changed filter, put in 5lt of new oil..............
    Clean up 5lt of oil from floor, reinstall drain plug, go buy more oil.

    One of my many, Last November I took the mrs back home to meet the family, during the holiday I was using my old 95 suzy samurai (done up to the eyballs, winch, big wheels/tyres/, lift kit/ rollbar etc) we were visiting my mates in a remote part of South Is NZ where I used to live, so I decided to take her down to my track that I had made a few years before, but to get to it you have to cross a deep river ( half way up the doors on a hilux) we got across ok and sat on the other side watching the trout go by and having a play in the overgrown track, all was well until it started to rain and I decided we'd best get back across before the river rose, well I threw the old girl in and started to cross but half way across we hit trouble, We wern't moving as fast as we should have been so I pointed her downstream and made the mrs jump in the drivers seat while I barked instructions at her So I was up to my middriff in water rocking the bastid but it was just sinking further and the wifey dear was getting more irate with wet feet, then the penny dropped, LOCK THE HUBS YOU STUPID GIMP so I did and she freed herself and started to climb out but then it died!! too much water flowing up the exaust and the best we could get was start up and die again, see being used to the surf, click her in to 4wd in its in, forgot that just because you pull the lever in the suzi dont mean ****e until the hubs are locked!!
    RESULT: Old boss having good laugh while towing me out saying "youre back in town 5 mins and I'm towing you out again, nothing changes"
    Upset cold mrs
    1 Sodden suzi jeep ( had to leave idling for most of the night)
    dented pride
    Ah the joys of 4x4 eh?

    Got in the Surf the other day and tried to drive away. Performance was restricted to 30cm by the wheelclamp!

    Eldest son olooked at me and asked if I had done that before? As if!
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off

  • #2
    A follow up

    Used key to lower back window, loaded up surf with tools jumped in and started it. Pressed button to raise window nothing tried again nothing, jumped out used key in lock window goes up, tried button again nothing. Out come the tools gets meter out and starts to check wiring, an hour and ten minutes later stil no good.
    Sits in driver seat, takes a break and rolls a fag, glances at door to see window lock switch pressed down
    Depressed window lock button, now works from button fine.

    Goes to mum's to do some work, now some of you will recall the fence I demolished a month or so ago.
    Well I never repaired it properly, so today I reverse up and starts to unload tools, tool box on to floor, lifts out large box, steps back, trips over tool box stumbles back onto fence. Me and box through fence into rose bush.
    Cut ankle, gashed left leg and right inside leg on nails rose bush thorns in hands and left arm. Fence panel now well and truly knackered.
    Boy am i glad todays nearly over, just go to over come the stairs to bed and forget today ever happened.
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      that made me smile -with the surf being auto, I keep forgetting to dip the clutch when in my car - amazing number of times I've stalled in petrol stations and have the guy behind the counter say to me "only just made it then" as if I've run out of petrol.
      what amazes me is that considering the short while I've had the Surf and the number of years I've driven - it's as if it's the other way round as I make more mistakes in the car like using my wipers to indicate I'm turning left etc.
      the other day I went to flash a car and washed my window! - or is it just me??


      • #4
        hehe @ Koi, that fence has a hex on you!

        About the auto thing, when in my truck, I keep waving my left foot around looking for the clutch when stopping!
        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          Originally posted by TonyN
          hehe @ Koi, that fence has a hex on you!

          About the auto thing, when in my truck, I keep waving my left foot around looking for the clutch when stopping!
          thank gawd for that - thought it was only me that done the one-footed cockpit shuffle! and then there's the times I go to change gear as I pull away from the lights!!!!


          • #6
            Most "Stupid" thing I did in my Surf (when I had her)...

            The road outside my house is on an incline, JUST picked up the Surf (all excited) and decided to go over her and find out what ALL the buttons do....

            NOW, having driven Autos for some time I didn't bother putting the Handbrake on when I parked, just plonked her into "Park".

            Found this "Little Red Button" just in front of the Shift Stick and thought "What does that do?" So I pressed it AND as I was leaning on the Shift Stick at the time it pushed it out of Park and into Neutral........

            Didn't feel the Surf moving at first, I DID hear the guy driving up the hill with his Hand on his Horn though.
            I managed to roll back about 15ft before I realised that it was rolling down the hill..

            Did I feel a prat (lucky there was no one there though)


            • #7
              Tony N
              Drained oil, changed filter, put in 5lt of new oil..............
              Clean up 5lt of oil from floor, reinstall drain plug, go buy more oil.

              Done that meself - as a mere teenager, gassing to me mates on how good the car was etc - forgot to put sump plug in!!! Kept secret from My Dad for years - my best man (who was there at the time) brought it up as part of his speech at my wedding (BA****D!! )

              Had a Suzuki GS 550 E (B****y heavy!!) and whilst performing a very tight U turn on a pub car park, using the clutch, 1st gear and the brakes, dropped it but unfortunately didn't get my foot down in time to stop the bike hitting the deck.
              Picture it if you can, 1 biker (in full leathers) pinned underneath his restored (classic) pride and joy who was then asked by a very nice (old - got to be 80 if she was a day!) lady if I needed any help.
              Last edited by rusty; 6 December 2003, 20:27.
              NO WORRIES!


              • #8
                Tony N
                Drained oil, changed filter, put in 5lt of new oil..............
                Clean up 5lt of oil from floor, reinstall drain plug, go buy more oil.

                Done that meself - as a mere teenager, gassing to me mates on how good the car was etc - forgot to put sump plug in!!! Kept the secret from my Dad for years - my best man (who was there at the time) brought it up as part of his speech at my wedding (BA****D!! )

                Had a Suzuki GS 550 E (B****y heavy!!) and whilst performing a very tight U turn on a pub car park, using the clutch, 1st gear and the brakes, dropped it but unfortunately didn't get my foot down in time to stop the bike hitting the deck.

                Picture it if you can, 1 biker (in full leathers) pinned underneath his restored (classic) pride and joy who was then asked by a very nice (old - got to be 80 if she was a day!) lady if I needed any help.
                Last edited by rusty; 6 December 2003, 20:27.
                NO WORRIES!


                • #9
                  I think mine had to be the rear window thing. Took me two days to work out it was the window locking switch. In that time I had had the dash out and console twice, the panel over the tailgate off, had my electrical meter out and even ran some new cable from the switch in the console to the back just in case it was a wiring issue.



                  • #10
                    And no one told me that if the little red button is pressed and you move the lever, you cannot get your keys out - took me and my mate ages to figure out why i couldn't do simple things like take the keys out or start the thing!

                    Rusty - the misses done that on her bike - some old lady tried to lift it off the floor - bless her


                    • #11
                      Wasn't that the silliest thing

                      My Daft trick is to open the sun roof and push the switch to lock it off from use then when i come to close it can not figure out why it wont close....
                      Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


                      • #12
                        Not a Surf but samr sort of thing,
                        Gave my mate a hand changing his head gasket on an old Cortina, removed head no problem but forgot to drain water jacket so pots all filled up with water

                        then in a flash of inspiration (spelling) I said turn the engine over that will get rid of the water, but...................

                        I had forgotten we removed the fuel pipe from the pump which then sprayed petrol directly onto the distibutor and set the engine bay on fire, luckily.................

                        he had a dry powder extinguisher handy so I emptied it into the engine bay put the fire out but you should have seen the mess it left, we had to drop the bottom end out to clear all the gunge from the bores, i dont think he's ever forgiven me,

                        So if any of you ever want a hand with a head problem feel free to ask.

                        [size=4][font=franklin gothic medium][color=lime]Every Day Above Ground is a Good Day[/color][/font][/size]
                        [img]http://www.vertueren.gb.com/welshflag.gif[/img] [color=red]Gods Country[/color]


                        • #13
                          When I was about 15 my brother and I had an old moped for tracking round the fields.
                          My brother had the head off and was also trying to figure out why there was no spark. The HT Lead was totally dead.......................... .until I jokingly put it in my mouth. I was the wrong side of the petrol tank and he didn't see the visual joke.......................... .he spun the engine over. All I saw was lightening flashes behind my eyes and had a horrible taste in my mouth for three days.
                          It's only a hobby!


                          • #14
                            2 dumb stories. One surf related and the other not but worth a mention.
                            My first attempt at any form of maintenance on any car I ever owned was 4 weeks ago on new Surf. Climbed under vehicle and loooked around for a drain plug for the sump and spotted a bolt reasonably quickly. That'll be it methinks. Unscrewed it slowly till liquid came out. That has to be it. Placed drip tray and went for tea and toast. 30 mins later the pan was almost full.............of wine coulored oil which didn't smell like engine oil. Checked dipstick . Oil was still there. Switched on PC and logeed into forum and dialled 911. What have I done and how do I put it back whatever it is. ATF was what it was and with the help of a good Samararitan from the forum all was sorted out and oil change took place and ATF was replaced. The moral is simply to do the job, make the mistakes and don't bloody make the same mistake again.

                            Second story is rumoured to be true. A guy decides to clean his own chimney. Much opposition from War Office (wife). He rents a set of brushes and poles and a 22ft ladder and off he goes. He tapes black plastic over his fireplace meticullously. Up the ladder and he sees 4 chimneys. He uses his knowledge of orienteering and shoves the brush down the chimney to the front nearest his house. 30 mins of vigourous plunging and swivelling he decides thats enough and comes down. Pleased with his work he takes a break and then tackles the soot in his fireplace. Very carefully he removes the tape holding the plastic and inch by inch he pulls it back. Good he thinks all the soot has settled at the bottom as he pulls the tape from the top down. Eventually the last of the tape is removed and the plastic pulled away. No bllody soot whatsoever. He consults the War Office in a fit of panic ! She goes out to the garden and looks u then crosses the lawn to next door and knocks on the door. No answer. She looks through the front window but its dificult to make out if anybody is there with all the soot in the air !!!!!!!!

                            1992 SSR-X Grey 2.4 TD Automatic


                            • #15
                              I had been in the Surf...

                              I had been in the Surf a while (Manual) and hopped into our car(Auto), got to the first corner, and in a daydream I pushed the pedal on the left!
                              Unfortunately it wasn't the clutch, it was the foot operated parking brake. Luckily no cars were coming as I did a graceful spin and went around the corner backwards trying to figure what the hell was wrong.

