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  • #16
    Shelly I once had someone at work ask my why I needed such a large car as I'm always the only occupant, "you'll be much better off with a smart car". I then pointed out that the only reason they see me as the only occupant is that I don't take the seven dogs to work with me, they tend to stay at home.

    Pops my vehicle has never been touched when parked dodgily on the forest (execpt by that forestry worker!!!!!!) it tends to get it's scratchs in Asdas' car parks, and it's dents in my garden!!
    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


    • #17
      Originally posted by Maverick
      Shelly I once had someone at work ask my why I needed such a large car as I'm always the only occupant, "you'll be much better off with a smart car". I then pointed out that the only reason they see me as the only occupant is that I don't take the seven dogs to work with me, they tend to stay at home.

      Pops my vehicle has never been touched when parked dodgily on the forest (execpt by that forestry worker!!!!!!) it tends to get it's scratchs in Asdas' car parks, and it's dents in my garden!!
      know what you mean, i got 3 kids, they take thier bike, the dog, 3 pairs of motorbike boots, 3 helment, gloves, bodyamour, water 4 the mutt, flask and newspaper 4 me plasters just in case they scratch themselves, my dad or me rides the kmx over cos we can't fit that on the surf (trailer needed urgently).
      i could go on 4 ages.........
      try fitting that in a fluffy fiesta

      somehow i don't think so
      Attached Files
      lets go get dirty...


      • #18
        My A-bar has one each side. It was pristine when I got the truck but it has been used for pushing the Zook into the garage when the battery has been flat or off. Anyway it looks like trail damage and trail damage has a certain street cred!
        It's only a hobby!


        • #19
          Originally posted by shelly
          hey i'm really good at reversing, even my neighbour is impressed, old git!!
          always says "well i didn't think you'd reverse into that space"
          even when i brought the surf home, he stood there saying, " can't beleave you actually got that up the drive, what do you need a car that big for?"

          ....so i can p*ss you off, YOU NOSEY OLD GIT!!!!!

          sorry 4 ranting
          well thats one for the girls then my surf hates going backwards and stop calling me an old git
          Enjoying Life after Cancer


          • #20
            Originally posted by Maverick
            Shelly I once had someone at work ask my why I needed such a large car as I'm always the only occupant, "you'll be much better off with a smart car". I then pointed out that the only reason they see me as the only occupant is that I don't take the seven dogs to work with me, they tend to stay at home.

            Pops my vehicle has never been touched when parked dodgily on the forest (execpt by that forestry worker!!!!!!) it tends to get it's scratchs in Asdas' car parks, and it's dents in my garden!!
            Asda's mines Tesco
            Enjoying Life after Cancer


            • #21
              mine's on the passenger side - I thought i'd dinged it when I first bought it - my wife gave me hell - now it's time for my retribution - yippeeeeee

