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How Much?!

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  • How Much?!

    Is this too much to pay?

    1997 () 3 litre, Auto with 46,839 on the clock. £11,295 without underseal or immobiliser.

    Mackay Trading, Edinburgh

    Need some guidance to see if this is a rip off or not and if it is what's the realistic price ?


  • #2
    I just brought one the same ,only has underseal,alarm and 70k on clock for £7500.

    Sounds a bit pricy to me,but they do seem to vary greatly in price.


    • #3
      I find the best place for price guidance is autotrader.co.uk

      You can instantly search nationally for private and trade sales and at least find out what people are asking for - prices do seem to vary greatly, when I was looking for 3.0 2nd gens recently I found 1995's of more-or-less the same spec/mileage from 4000 to 7000!

      You can usually expect to pay a premium if you buy from a dealer and sometimes it may even be worth it, but often the third party warrantys they give out are near useless.
      Last edited by codlord; 21 March 2005, 20:00.
      No longer a Surf owner.


      • #4
        Sounds a tad expensive, thought I payed a lot £10300 six months ago with
        36k miles on it however it was the exact model I wanted, SSRG with intercooler and the best colour blue over silver couldn't resist it. Either try haggling or shop around a bit more. Have seen some good prices on ebay £7k upwards. Good luck.
        [U]Cheers Ian[/U]


        • #5
          I have bought 2 surfs from Mackay Trading and found them to be the best dealers in the area. They are a bit more expensive but the after service is good.

          I asked them to flush the radiator, get a new rad cap and sort the fog light, this was quite a few months after I bought my Surf and they did it all for free. They have got a lot to choose from and will take you to their other yards to have a look.

          I found a Surf that I really wanted (SSRG 3rd gen, manual, green) so I was willing to pay a bit more than normal.

          It's also worth haggling and they knock something off the price if it doesn't sell quickly.

          Last edited by jax; 21 March 2005, 20:39.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zak
            Is this too much to pay?

            1997 () 3 litre, Auto with 46,839 on the clock. £11,295 without underseal or immobiliser.

            Mackay Trading, Edinburgh

            Need some guidance to see if this is a rip off or not and if it is what's the realistic price ?

            Way too expensive mate
            [COLOR=Red][FONT=Century Gothic]the unexamined life is not worth living...[/FONT][/COLOR]

