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    Can some one help us decide,i"ve got at the moment a run of the mill family car ,wish it never come to this lol!!!! i"ve always had motors that stand out like the surf not going to tell u which motors, me mates would kill me.Anyway people seem to be shying away from the surf cause it"s a import i personally love it where else can you buy a 10 year + motor in mint condition in this country.Am thinking of buying a surf just need to know the positive"s and the negitive"s please anyone put me in the know!!!!!!! thanks.. ps first car the missus"s has liked so i"ll be gettting one anyway!!!!!

  • #2
    Welcome to the SURF family. I am also in Manchester. It all depends on your budget really. 2nd gen surfs have 2 engine sizes 2.4 diesel & 3.0 diesel both of which have turbos. 3rd gen surfs from around 1996 onwards are 3.0 turbo diesel some have intercoolers. Some 2.4 have had problems with cylinder heads cracking due to a design fault in the internal waterways.
    Look in faqs for insurance companies, Insurance is cheap.
    PARTS are available at very cheap prices www.milneroffroad.com & www.toyotahilux.com.


    • #3
      Originally posted by yelreppa
      Can some one help us decide,i"ve got at the moment a run of the mill family car ,wish it never come to this lol!!!! i"ve always had motors that stand out like the surf not going to tell u which motors, me mates would kill me.Anyway people seem to be shying away from the surf cause it"s a import i personally love it where else can you buy a 10 year + motor in mint condition in this country.Am thinking of buying a surf just need to know the positive"s and the negitive"s please anyone put me in the know!!!!!!! thanks.. ps first car the missus"s has liked so i"ll be gettting one anyway!!!!!

      Hi Mark and welcom to the MAD HOUSE, well what can we say there are over 2000of us on ere with Surfs/4-Runner's, yes we do have problems and yes we all love our motors.

      With any motor they are liable to have problems and thats life I am afraid, The 2.4 has a reputation of the head going but that does not mean everyone has had to replace their heads as we did have a survey awhile a go and it was not conclusive!

      Most people sing the praises of the 3.0 but they will cost a bit more.

      You are doing the right thing by being on here and asking the questions or researching them as most of your questions will already have been asked and answered on here.

      Parts are readily available from either factors of the Toyota Main dealers.

      Good luck with your search I am sure you wont regret joining the SURF FAMILY

      DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!


      • #4

        have a mooch around on here should tell you all you need to know.
        great site.


        • #5
          We in Manchester have a very good Engine man if you ever have need to use him. You will always find help to any questions you may have WE DONT BITE.
          We Hope you find what you are looking for GOOD LUCK.


          • #6
            Originally posted by yelreppa
            Can some one help us decide,i"ve got at the moment a run of the mill family car ,wish it never come to this lol!!!! i"ve always had motors that stand out like the surf not going to tell u which motors, me mates would kill me.Anyway people seem to be shying away from the surf cause it"s a import i personally love it where else can you buy a 10 year + motor in mint condition in this country.Am thinking of buying a surf just need to know the positive"s and the negitive"s please anyone put me in the know!!!!!!! thanks.. ps first car the missus"s has liked so i"ll be gettting one anyway!!!!!
            As mentioned previous, parts r cheap when compared to other jap 4x4s and as for the landies...well on play days out we have put a few to shame lol. You wont go far wrong with a surf or 4runner....keep them well oiled and watered and they just keep on going. Your grin will last longer than the service intervals......plus on here any prob you may have will probably have been covered or the forum members will dig in to there tech experiance and point you in the right direction. A problem solved is another happy grin for some1.
            Hope you join the surf/4runner grin club


            • #7
              welcome mate
              just get one YOU WONT REGRET IT
              and the grin comes free and grows and grows
              Enjoying Life after Cancer


              • #8

                well cheers 4 the welcome looks like ill be buying one anyway.
                anyone of you lot got any quotes on the insurance am 31 living in salford (Gr manchester) ha ha jokes later!!! Rough but it looks nice!!!i"ve been driving 10+years some one give us a average quote thanks, marky i"ll look u lot up in town cheers


                • #9

                  grebo who"s the lad with the motocross bike on the back of the surf I love me bikes as well,love to know where he got that motocross rail from?????loking for one me self....


                  • #10
                    If you find a 3 litre you can afford then buy it, 2.4s arent a match for the 3 litre. Theres a good FAQ site here by Morr.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by yelreppa
                      Can some one help us decide,i"ve got at the moment a run of the mill family car ,wish it never come to this lol!!!! i"ve always had motors that stand out like the surf not going to tell u which motors, me mates would kill me.Anyway people seem to be shying away from the surf cause it"s a import i personally love it where else can you buy a 10 year + motor in mint condition in this country.Am thinking of buying a surf just need to know the positive"s and the negitive"s please anyone put me in the know!!!!!!! thanks.. ps first car the missus"s has liked so i"ll be gettting one anyway!!!!!

                      Most of my motors have been ones that 'stand out' and I even have a reputation in work for 'whats he driving this month', so when the sensible desision came to buying a more normal car I dismissed golfs and the like and opted for the 3.0TD and I'm well happy with it - still a bit flash (and it doesn't look like a '95) with loads of road presence
                      [COLOR=Red][FONT=Century Gothic]the unexamined life is not worth living...[/FONT][/COLOR]


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by yelreppa
                        well cheers 4 the welcome looks like ill be buying one anyway.
                        anyone of you lot got any quotes on the insurance am 31 living in salford (Gr manchester) ha ha jokes later!!! Rough but it looks nice!!!i"ve been driving 10+years some one give us a average quote thanks, marky i"ll look u lot up in town cheers
                        Best place I came across so far is Tett Hamilton (they have a web site and specialise in Grey Imports). I got insured for less that 350 notes fully comp for a 3.0 - I didn't even need to transfer my no claims from my other car that I was running. I also hear that Tesco's do a really good deal. There's also a section of the forum that has info re insurance.

                        p.s. I'm selling one of my Surfs. If you're interested I live in North Yorkshire, but work in Halifax. Briefly, it's Dark Blue metalic 3.0, approx 67,000 miles and Taxed and MOTed to Dec 05 - I'm looking for something around £5,700, but am open to offers. Drop me line if you'd like to find out more.


                        Happy hunting and Happy Surfing
                        Constantly Striving to Attain Lower Standards


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by yelreppa
                          grebo who"s the lad with the motocross bike on the back of the surf I love me bikes as well,love to know where he got that motocross rail from?????loking for one me self....

                          No idea mate not my site.
                          I think it is Codlords if i'm not mistaken.

