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The little b@st#rds (Part 2)

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  • #31
    you lot all live in rough areas!!

    p.s. if you're thinking of getting CCTV you need a licence!!!

    my cousin had a set up, after some rough family moved in next door... he had 1 cam at front, watching his car and another at rear, watching his daughter out plying in yard... ... one day it recorded the 14 yr old boy next door shagging the dog!!!... he contacted police and social services... they couldn't do a thing, as unlicenced CCTV is not able to be used as evidence!!
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #32
      oh yeah, remembered what i was gonna say!...

      KS Phil...

      go out with broom stick, pretend to sweep driveway... when they pass on bikes, chuck it at the front wheel!... that wiil send them over the front and they won't give any mouth cos they'll have no teeth!... probably break the broomstick, so get in a spare beforehand!
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #33
        Little Sh**s. No respect whatsoever. I'd kill 'em but then if i did anything you can guarantee i'd end up inside doing hard time.

        Where's the proper policing and parental discipline these days??
        When i was a kid (not that long ago as i'm nearly 33 now) i wouldnt 'av dared even back chat an older kid nevermind vandalise someones car.

        Just goes to show what a sorry state of affairs we're in if we cant teach our kids some respect for other people and their property.

        God i'm !!!!ed and its not even my car!!
        HELEN xx


        • #34
          Bring back corporal punishment in schools. I don't know if it was banned in the UK, but since it was banned in Ireland maybe 15 years ago, youth crime has rocketed.

          I live in a nice seaside town in Co. Dublin. There's always been a few hardcases causing a bit of bother - drunk fights, etc, but no car theft, burglary, unprovoked assaults or anything like that.

          In the last 10 years, there's been burnt out cars beside my estate, a 13 year-old girl raped, a 16 year-old boy stabbed and dozens of people (adult and teenage women and men) assaulted unprovoked.

          There are a couple of scum that are responsible for most of this, and they are known to the local police. When they assault people, they do a lot of damage - broken jaws, multiple cuts needing stitches . . .

          One incident I'm aware of resulted in the parents of a young victim approaching the parents of the culprits (identified by the victim and some others). The culprits mother (father not in the picture) told the victim's parents to f*!k off and that their son probably deserved it.

          One of the culprits has threatened his mother with a knife.

          As I said, thsese guys and their behaviour are known to the police, but weekend after weekend they beat up a new innocent person for sport. Undisciplined by parents, law, justice (legal or moral), or society.

          Now, one day, they will choose the wrong person. I wish I had the ability and balls to cripple them. And look them in the eye and tell them that they will be crippled for ever more. Not only will they never assault anyone again, but they will never crap unaided again, never walk again. And that no official, legal justice system would ever give them the treatment they deserved, so Joe-on-the-street had to do it. And now I'll go down.

          But I don't have the ability (or maybe I do, but because I didn't grow up id the situations that realise the ability) or the balls (these guys break bones and stab as part of their standard fighting box of tricks). And that's because my dad battered me (exaggerated term for effect - I really only got a few hard clouts) if I stepped out of line. So did my teachers - we got the cane in primary school! Even the hardshaws in school were limited in what level of bullying they'd try - they were afraid of the cane, and of the fact that parents would be called. And the parents were afraid of the embarrassement and implied judgement on their parenting abilities if their kid got out of hand.

          Where will society be if we (you and me = society) and/or the law continue to allow this behaviour? Cowering indoors, hoping our windows don't get stoned at night? Driving to work wondering if our wives are being harrassed while dropping the kids to school? Not able to sleep for worrying if it's going to be our teenage son tonight getting the broken jaw or knife in his stomach?

          Even if legal justice is done, and these types of people do go down, the environments in which they're detained are hardly coarse - hardly apropriate for individuals who disrespect social ettiquette and actively intimidate whole societies and communities. And terms of detainment are usually shorter than seems right.

          I don't know what should be done, but it seems to me if you disrespect a society, you should be taken out of it. For good. Innocent society-respecting people shouldn't have to endure the threat of assault or any behaviour like that.

          If I'm attacked, having never been in a fight, not knowing my abilities, and with the HUGE anger I have for this type of behaviour and the legal ineffectiveness in dealing with it, who knows what might happen. My imagination has 2 scenarios:

          1. Me fighting back really hard which would encourage them to fight harder, and with their experience, I'd end up dead or crippled, or at least looking different.

          2. What would be MORALLY right is that I cripple them, get acquitted in court for self defence, and their parents pay all legal costs.

          But is that what would happen? Nope. They'd beat me to a pulp, my 4 year-old boy would have to visit his disfigured dad in hospital, they'd get another slap on the wrist, and stone my house, intimidate my family and laugh at me for my tax payng for their free legal aid.

          A motorbike was stolen from me a few years ago. Luckily, someone I worked with at the time knew who had probably stolen it and where it was likely to be. I told the police, who got it back for me. The culprits weren't even charged - no evidence. A week later it was in the news that one of the same thieves was in a cafe when some balaclaved men came in, put a double-barrell in his mouth and told him that he'd taken the wrong car the night before, and to bring it back by 3 o'clock that day. The same guy is still stealing bikes and cars today.

          Jeez, what a mood to start my day . . .

          Sorry everybody, but this is a huge issue for me and it touched a nerve.



          • #35
            You have managed to encapsulate how so many of us feel.

            We are in the middle of an election campaign at the moment. I would vote for any party that says and means that it will tackle law and order. Why haven't we the balls to follow the New York example and go for zero tolerence. Put the fear into people for dropping litter, spitting and graffitti, then the more serious things won't happen.
            It's only a hobby!


            • #36
              These issues are precisely the reason why I am out of here, don’t what my kids growing up in chavsville. But this is dependant on me selling my house, and this is going to get harder and harder the more this f***ing scum, drag the area down. There were two rapes last month in the town were I live and the description of the attacker was, yes you guessed it "a baseball cap and a hoodie", well that narrows things down don’t it. We sould have a national scrote beating day, with no rules.


              • #37

                That teacher had the right idea "SHOOT THE LITTLE BAR??????" but not with an air gun.
                Live Life To The Full


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Hilux
                  That teacher had the right idea "SHOOT THE LITTLE BAR??????" but not with an air gun.

                  Give the woman a medal I say


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by sim
                    Give the woman a medal I say
                    An AK47 would be better.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by andy
                      An AK47 would be better.


                      • #41
                        We have some little sh1ts a few doors up from us. Decided to jump on the bonnet of my surf whilst out at work and scrape all the bonnet like key-ing.

                        Just pollished all the chrome up. phoned the police thinking ideal, dry weather. Clean chrome. = LOADS of f.prints.

                        Police told me that their was nothing they could do.......... three days later they phone me at work and asked if they can take prints. By this time surf had done 50miles off-roading and was sh1t high!

                        I dono. What can you do......................????

                        I like the broom idea!! - might try that and let you know how it goes.......

                        A few yers ago my partner had a 50cc moped parked in the driveway. A reg and worth about £25 with a full tank.

                        girlfriend woke up this morning, looked out of window and said 'my bikes gone'

                        p** Off i replied. after repeated remarks i got out of bed and sure enough it had gone.

                        again, we phoned the police...............

                        two days later, the police DID phone to say they had found the bike. some kids up the road had stolen it. stripped it to the bones and hot wired it.

                        changed the wheels for sporty ones and removed the manifold and replaced complete with exhaust large enough to fit on a 40ft artic truck!!

                        WOW.............this bike went up in value by about £200!!!!!!
                        Sounded like a 50cc Harly D.


                        • #42
                          what really grips my #### is all this talk of 'helping hard working families' last month, when its my taxes paying these reptiles to watch trisha... luckily i live right out in the sticks so if any of em show up here no one will see what happens..
                          it's in me shed, mate.

