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The little b@st#rds (Part 2)

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  • #16
    That sucks, im only 21 and the some kids frighten even me! The amount they know as you say is worrying, they know all the tricks in the book and more. Worst bit is you often cant do anything because of all the rubbish they'll make up to the police.

    I blame the parents
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #17
      Originally posted by qube3
      Had a group of 5 fifteen year olds come down my road last night, only kicked my drivers wing mirror off @ 9:30 at night right outside my front door, along with about 6 other cars. Luckily i heard it and caught one of the little sh#ts!!! after a small chase. It was all my mate could do to stop me killing the swine. My mates merc got a wheelie bin over it as well. Anyway called the old bill for what good it will do. Havent heard anything yet.

      What is wrong with kids today, im 32 (just) we never did stuff like this when we were kids!!??

      Unfortunately the cops do nothing if they even bother to turn up at all and next week the little ba** terd will do the same thing I know because it was some prates idea of a party trick in my street on the way home Frome the pub so you just have to grab hold of the biggest of the bunch and put him straight

      or punch his head in as this is the only thing they understand and they wont kick your car as word soon gets around that if you kick that blokes car you will get hurt and this seems to work as I weighted up fore a few nights and one night I heard crunch I new what it was as I was expecting it as he had done three cars on his way up the street as he got along side my car and booted the mirror of I came out of the house like a race horse coming out of the stalls he was fast but not fast on his toes but he could not outrun a mondeo when I caught him he wanted a fight so I gave him a nose like mine all over his face he yelped like a stuffed pig but this worked as my car has not been touched since

      All men make mistakes, but married men find out about them sooner.


      • #18
        qube3 I believe that some household insurance may have an element of public liability attatched.If you have a name and address perhaps you could try to claim off them. Long shot but the parents may have a conscience.


        • #19
          Originally posted by TAF
          Unfortunately the cops do nothing if they even bother to turn up at all and next week the little ba** terd will do the same thing I know because it was some prates idea of a party trick in my street on the way home Frome the pub so you just have to grab hold of the biggest of the bunch and put him straight

          or punch his head in as this is the only thing they understand and they wont kick your car as word soon gets around that if you kick that blokes car you will get hurt and this seems to work as I weighted up fore a few nights and one night I heard crunch I new what it was as I was expecting it as he had done three cars on his way up the street as he got along side my car and booted the mirror of I came out of the house like a race horse coming out of the stalls he was fast but not fast on his toes but he could not outrun a mondeo when I caught him he wanted a fight so I gave him a nose like mine all over his face he yelped like a stuffed pig but this worked as my car has not been touched since
          I know what your saying but i would say only let it get to that stage as a last resort. I let the law sort it and gave them a chance.They worked and supprisingly were on my side and got it sorted,this time!!! If they hadnt sorted it then i may have done it my way, as you discribed, but make it hurt so they remember but not leave marks....you know what i mean. If you leave marks they have got you and they will have you in court. The kids seem to have the law on their side as you have to prove they have damaged your pride and joy...your word against theirs (and their mates) we always seem to lose. The law sucks but this time for me it worked as no more trouble. Give them the chance 1st b4 you take the law in to your own hands.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Grimreeper
            < Coppers in my day gave u a good clip >.
            Same here, and if I'd told my parents what had happened I'd have caught one round the other ear


            • #21
              Originally posted by dazzo23
              Same here, and if I'd told my parents what had happened I'd have caught one round the other ear
              send the little git a fluffy bunny rabbit suit with a note "tresure hunt in local field all contestants must be suited up to win £2000 some were buried in field"
              then get your self a shot gun with some salt cartrages and bingo 4X4 in field with moving target what fun. and them there salt shots sting for days .


              • #22
                Not wanting to add to generalisations, but visiting the parents rarely works as most are jobless wasters which is why the kids have no sense of right and wrong. If the parents are drunken doley's what are the kid likely to become.

                I visited my parents and had a gang of 10-15 year olds threaten to slap me and my fiancé then kill my dog for being vicious, the dog not me, my dog was then an 11 month old pup without the knowledge of aggression, unlike me. I called the old bill, shock horror they turned up, spoke to the gang, who swore repeatedly at the police. At which point the police left with the gang still drinking and abusing them.....

                I'm all for giving them a good kicking , except the really reliable police force would only come for me.

                Decent law abiding people are always persecuted by the law; speeding is a more heinous crime than assault. And you are now banned from protecting your property in any way. What is the world coming to when criminals are better protected by the law than the innocent victim is?



                • #23
                  I know a bunch of Guys who like to clean up for a FEE of course.
                  Dont you just love it when a plan comes together.
                  (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                  • #24
                    This subject cjould go on and on !!!!!l we get a lot of problems in plymouth we never did what they do now i'm 45 we still hung round in groups but to do what they do. i work in a library and you cn guarantee we have out windows smashed not just once but sometimes the same repaired windows night after night, so of our buildings have to lock the doors and let library users in and out when needed,the local shops get the same problem large groups out side shops, on there own the are angels but large groups fuel trouble!! these youngsters think its a laugh but always one step ahead of the police time they arrive youngsters have scarpered,. Drink fuels it and even 13year olds getting drink ,the local police and trading standards did a search the other day and all the places shops in our areas were named and shamed in the local paper and the server who didn't check ID etc got a on the spot fine and manager had to go to local police station, all the shops that didn't sell drink to youngsters were also named to show they were on the ball, we have noticed a decline in damage late at night, but it's the holidays the problem groups by day BORED i had to throw a group out of the library on recently for being abusive mucking about and too noisy and disruptive, it was done on purpose to see how far they can push you, all the time you have to watch what you say to them when i really want to say p***s off and don't come back . Mine now in there early 20's never did this and rarely went out but still had a good time, i hate taking my surf to work just in case the little b******ds damage it they kept nicking the dust caps we have painted the same car colour !!!!why "!!! for gods sake


                    • #25
                      make yourself a flame thrower out of a super soaker fill it with petrol and watch the little sh1ts run then
                      ITS GOOD BUT ITS NOT RIGHT ?


                      • #26
                        I was watching the urban moto-x guys, all aged between 12 and 20, racing round the estate today and sticking their fingers up at the police helicopter. They were laughing their heads off and doing donuts, weaving in and out of the traffic. What where the cops on the ground using? Cars and vans. Not even a road going bike, which might have stood a chance of getting down the alleys after them. The more that get away with it the more their mates want to join in the fun.The helicoptor should be fitted with machine guns. I keep thinking about making a bola (I think that is what they are called) like the Argentinians use to down cattle. Except mine would be made from steel cable and two huge ball bearings. The little !!!!!!!s are not happy just riding stolen machines but insist on straight through exahusts. I hate trying to sleep off nights as most of the culprits are serial truants and are encouraged by their scumbag scrounger parents.
                        It's only a hobby!


                        • #27
                          Had a bit of an issue with the local youth running into our warehouse and taking god knows what (tat that we couldnt sell mainly (yay)) but this problem was solved on its second occurance. My father chased the prats out of the warehouse with a large steel bar.
                          Ok, so it wasnt 'pc' but it worked, they aint been back, shame they ran so fast.


                          • #28
                            I say bring back National Service and the Stocks, bey they would love the whole world looking at them knowing what they'd done !
                            [I]Short cuts are Fun[/I]


                            • #29
                              heres one where justice prevailled...sort of
                              I used to live in chesterfield and work as a photographer, I was young, selfemployed and drove a vitara fat boy at the time ( I was still only 19 at the time) I used to work as a freelance photographer and as well as photographing the local football club I did a bit of nightclub polaroid stuff for a bit of cash on the side. ( ya know groups of youngsters out getting lashed and wanting to take a pic to prove they pulled or a line up with bums out... same old stuff every week) I was walking back to my beloved hairdressers car when I saw two drunken scrotes kicking the crap out of a 2cv and my car. one of the lads kicked them so hard he fell over...
                              the 2cv was badly damaged, mine had a dint in the back door...

                              so they were still walking away over the massive carpark (otherwise known as the dohnut) laughing at what they just did... I was already in my car and getting more and more insensed. So full beam and spots on I just drove straight at them, being a big carpark it was regularly used for practice dohnutting and burnouts etc... it was a wet carpark and perfect conditions... so I basically clipped one of them (the other managed to run out of the way) he spun round, as he did that I executed the only decent half dohnut ive ever managed ( must be just lucky i didnt kill him as Im usually crap at dohnuts), spun round him, hung out the window as i shouted obscenities saying next time I will kill him, took a pic of him with my polaroid which was always locked and loaded and drove off.

                              next weekend, im at the local footy match in my usual place taking pics... a steward comes over says theres some guys want to talk to me.. its the fellas who had been giving my car a kicking... wanted to apologise! I was gob smacked. luckily the backdoor was an easy repair.. my car never got touched again after that.

                              I always carry a camera... the moral is, catch them in the act, have evidence of what they have done... then give them a kicking out of sight... and threated to kill them.. and look like you mean it. ( but dont get caught on camera yourself. )
                              she's no angel


                              • #30
                                My dad was driving through town one night behind a tesco store, he was dropping my sis off at a pub in his A reg Toyota Hilux Pick-up, there was a load of drunken louts gobbin off at passers by and throwin stones (the usual!). Anyway, they decided it would be funny if they flung a shopping trolley in the road as my dad was driving past, my dad, not being the most calmest of types, thought , right you gits, and swerved his truck so that he could hit the trolley front end-on, which he did, and the trolley bounced back at them like a bowling ball at skittles, took out the one that pushed it into the road and his mouthy mate! when back on the straight, my dad and sister noticed the traffic lights were on red!!, My sister said she nearly had a heart attack....but as it happens , when my dad looked back, most of the yobs were laughing at the two on the floor and waving at my dad. Bit of a turn-up!!

