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How do you do it??

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  • How do you do it??

    What is the most fuel-efficient way of driving the surf?

    Please exclude :

    1 Driving someone else’s surf
    2 Recycled veggie oil
    3 Company fuel card
    4 Not going anywhere
    5 Getting on to a motorway and staying in fifth gear at 40mph till you run out
    6 Being towed
    7 Free wheeling as much as possible
    8 Being pushed
    9 Tail gating ever vehicle larger than you too drag you along in their airflow

    No I actually want to see what is the best style of driving to get the most out of a tank of fuel.
    I try to change gear before the turbo kicks in a 2000rpm (little tricky on a hill though)
    And be gentle on the juice pedal but does this have a knock on effect by clogging all the pipe work up and lead to the surf being smokey

    What is the most miles or KM you have achieved out of a tank??
    For me it was 470km on a tank, Motorway for 300km of it no faster than 65mph

    Out of intrest!

  • #2
    red diesel lol


    • #3
      It depends on so many factors: tyres,road conditions, traffic, load etc etc.
      I've only had my surf 10 days but managed a respectable 27mpg on first tank. That was a mixture of motorway/town/off road but mainly tootling along at 50-60 and trying to keep revs down. I would hope to get ~30 mpg on a long run in light traffic.
      You could always attach a spinnaker and sail up hill


      • #4
        I have been trying to work out the most economical way to drive as well, I was normally getting about 370km to a tank, I put some injector cleaner in (to pass MOT emmissions test) and it went up to 400km ish. I'm now trying driving very gently, ie trying not to let the turbo light come on (hard with an auto) to see if this improves further. I would be interested at what speed other auto surf drivers turbo kicks in? On the flat the fastest I can get without a turbo is about 56mph where as I'm sure someone else said they could do 70mph. The injector cleaner improved it (from 50ish) maybe something else needs cleaning out / lubricating etc to get that speed. I wondered about manual free hubs but I use 4x4 quite alot and it would be a pain to get out to turn them.
        Mostly this is just for interest, driving at 56mph all week is doing my head in, but be useful to know if you were low on fuel in the middle of nowhere etc


        • #5
          Ok my last post was too long winded what I am asking is:

          What speed can other auto surfs get without the turbo on the flat (unloaded)?

          Is it much more economical to drive without the turbo kicking in?



          • #6
            One of the best things you can do is to use a good fuel addative on a long run forget what the label says just dump the whole bottle in the tank
            Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


            • #7
              Isn't the point of a turbo that it makes the engine give out more power, without using more fuel?
              Lifes for smileing at! when ya Surf's not broke!


              • #8
                Originally posted by mark g8awo
                One of the best things you can do is to use a good fuel addative on a long run forget what the label says just dump the whole bottle in the tank
                Thanks for that, I'm doing Kent to Cornwall soon and will follow the excellent advice.
                Regards Colin.


                • #9
                  GO ME!!! I just did 360km off of Ł60. I know motorways are bit expensive for fuel but I want to cry cos that sounds like about 2.5 to the gallon
                  Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                  • #10
                    Rolls Royce

                    On a previous thread, i was told that on a 3ltr like mine, as there is no delay, i do not have any idea when it comes on. All i know is that it will cruise along at 80 and feels and sounds like a Rolls Royce. Problem is i have never got more than 21 MPG. I can not understand how anyone could drive on a motorway in a Surf at 65 MPH for long. It would drive me crazy.
                    Rgds Philip
                    Still Searching,
                    Dick Whittington


                    • #11
                      It's a difficult one. I find that if I do mostly town miles I get around 20mpg. If I do mostly motorway cruising at around 65-70mph I get more like 25mpg. The turbo comes on usually at around 2200rpm, but I've seen it come on below 2000rpm if I'm booting it, and be off at 2800rpm if I'm tickling the throttle.
                      Paul </Slugsie>
                      Immortal.so far!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Philip
                        On a previous thread, i was told that on a 3ltr like mine, as there is no delay, i do not have any idea when it comes on. All i know is that it will cruise along at 80 and feels and sounds like a Rolls Royce. Problem is i have never got more than 21 MPG. I can not understand how anyone could drive on a motorway in a Surf at 65 MPH for long. It would drive me crazy.
                        Rgds Philip
                        Had lots of cars before and would be on the motorway doing 85/90 in the third lane would stop at services for a break as I got tired from the constant look out for the boys in blue...
                        Got the surf 2.4td not 3ltr big difference I belive..found it had the performance of a brick speed wise so have settled into mellow driving and invested in a good sound system...now cruising at 65/70 as the F***king little jap guy in mine plays the triangle ever two seconds if I go over 70mph ...mind you he has saved me a small fortune..I have a mellow drive don,t stop for a break as I feel refreshed and relaxed all the way.
                        A four hour journey in the carwould have me tired and wound up at the end of it but in the surf I don't want to stop and feel quite chilled when I get there (slightly deafend though )


                        • #13
                          Top tips for fuel saving.

                          1) Viscous fan- make sure its working correctly, should only spin hard when hot and reving.
                          2) Aircon off - extra load on engine
                          3) Don't brake- braking means waste energy. Plan ahead no last minute stuff.
                          4) Remove add-on ironmongery. Losing that huge bull-bar gains 2 mpg. Same with roof racks spot lights etc. It's hard to streamline a 'house brick' but every little helps.
                          5) Go light on the gas pedal- driving style has as much to with fuel use than anything else.
                          6) Maintenance- clean air filter, good injectors (that spray & don't dribble), free, well lubed running gear, non sticking brakes, correct tyre pressures all help
                          7) Biggest tip of all- walk or get the bus.



                          • #14
                            I just drive the damm thing - when I can't afford to fill it with fuel I'll by a Micra
                            NO WORRIES!


                            • #15
                              [QUOTE=madcampbell]What is the most fuel-efficient way of driving the surf

                              Turnford, Hertfordshire to Newquay, Cornwall on a tank of Diesel. Without the fuel light coming on, and yes the light does work.
                              My Surf is for sale if any one is interested, check the for sale site!

