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Job offer in Netherlands.

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  • Job offer in Netherlands.


    Not popped into the forums as much as I'd liked, but thought I'd like to share with you that I'm off to the Netherlands at the end of March to start a new job and a new chapter in my life.

    I'm scared about making such a big step in my career, life etc but if I don't do it now, I'm going to be sitting here for the rest of my life wondering if I should have gone.

    The house is up for sale, the dogs are coming with us ( getting the passports sorted tomorrow ) wife is coming as well, oh and a plug, the Hilux is up for auction on ebay and I've posted a message on the for-sale section if anyone is interested.

    Thanks for the people that I have met briefly from the board at the Devils Pit, and good luck in whatever you guys do.

    Andy ( ancl )

  • #2
    Hi Andy.

    Good luck in your new life and your new job. Go for it mate, you`re doing the right thing. I know it can be daunting starting over in a new country but i know from experience that if you don`t give it a try, you will spend the rest of your life regretting it. After all, if the worst case scenario was to happen and you don`t settle, the Netherlands ain`t exactly a million miles away. I can understand you might miss your surf but there`s not much you should miss about this country.

    Cheers and Bon Voyage,

    God bless gaffer tape and mastic!


    • #3
      Good Luck in your ventures...hopefully it will be less stressful and less of a rat-race than here in the UK...it was when I worked there for my previous company doing an upgrade [in Assen]..people are so nice and responsive!


      • #4

        Job is just outside Amsterdam, got all the fun of trying to find a place ( wife's job ) to rent for six months while we settle, getting SOFI ( NI ) numbers, bank accounts, should be fun and interesting times ahead.

        Only one person has said I'm doing the wrong thing, and thats only because his computer tech support ( me ) is not going to be 5minutes down the road anymore.



        • #5

          make the most of it. Take advantage of nearly everything that comes your way... that way, you'll always have something to talk about, and laugh about later...

          Remember, regret the things you haven't done...



          • #6
            As others have said, go for it. My few years working abroad were, ahem, character forming.
            To think I nearly stayed in my, "proper job," instead of working in sunny Majorca, The Cote D'Azur and Andorra.

            I know yours is within your current occupation and there is your wife, property etc to consider but if your wife is happy to go too, then I wish you all the best. If nothing else it will look good on your CV.

            All the best and don't forget to let us all know how you are doing.
            It's only a hobby!


            • #7
              The Netherlands is a nice place to live (supposed to be one of the most healthy places) and they all speak English so that's a bonus. I work there quite a lot and the expat population is going up because of the court of human rights thingy being there. Great country, great people, you'll love it. Hope you like cycling!
              Real trucks don't have spark plugs

