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CB Radios

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  • CB Radios

    Kinda need some help with CB radios stuff. I would like to get one, and order it from the US. Question is: are the frequencies the same on FM in the UK as in the US??? I am looking at a Magnum with SSB/AM/FM, ta...

  • #2
    Originally posted by usafric
    Kinda need some help with CB radios stuff. I would like to get one, and order it from the US. Question is: are the frequencies the same on FM in the UK as in the US??? I am looking at a Magnum with SSB/AM/FM, ta...
    you'll need to speak to kitesurf phil of mark g8awo for that... both into ham radio.
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      As far as I know the US run on different frequency. The model I have has two sets of channels UK band and EU band, with the authorities talking about scrapping the UK channels. I believe OFCOM have their own website which may have more info as it's not listed on my license.
      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


      • #4
        Nigel, can you email me, I lost your address and still need to send you that Salisbury plain vid.




        • #5
          As far as remember the U/S FM freqs. are slightly different from UK ones, had this problem years ago when i ditched my old A.M. rig to go legal.. the UK ones are marked with FM27/81 anything noy using UK freqs would be considered illegal by the dreaded Detector vans having said that.....i used my AM rig for a bit after the law changed....and nobody got me!!!

          Hope this helps.......Nige
          PS all AM capable rigs are illegal in the UK, weather you use it or not..

          Anything you can do.......i


          • #6
            what's the deal with licenses?

            i got a slip of paper with mine saying that it complied with Eu regulations and did not need licensing...
            just always keep hold of that, just incase!
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              All CB's need liscences, under the Wirless and Telegrapy act, you can get them from the post office, havnt ever bought one myself, so ive no idea how much they cost!


              Anything you can do.......i


              • #8
                Originally posted by JackRabbit
                All CB's need liscences, under the Wirless and Telegrapy act, you can get them from the post office, havnt ever bought one myself, so ive no idea how much they cost!

                i'll see if i can find that slip and scan it in... got a big CE maer on it and stuff.
                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JackRabbit
                  All CB's need liscences, under the Wirless and Telegrapy act, you can get them from the post office, havnt ever bought one myself, so ive no idea how much they cost!

                  I know when I was a nipper...some 23+ years ago the cost for a standard CB Licence was approx £10


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by da SLUG man
                    i'll see if i can find that slip and scan it in... got a big CE maer on it and stuff.
                    Always worth having an excuse at hand!!!!


                    Always better to have a beer!

                    Anything you can do.......i


                    • #11
                      You must have a license if your unit is operational. The license costs £15 per year and covers all of the EU states.
                      You may on rare occsions come accross a detector van who will demand to see your license, you can guess the results if you don't have one.
                      Most of the lorry drivers who came through my place of work have never held a license or been caught. But the issuing and enforcement of licenses has just been farmed out to a private company, so I suspect they will try to make more profit so more enforcement. As such I played safe and got a license, I've even been assigned and official call sign, but there is no way I'm calling 2H2MA over the airwaves.
                      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                      • #12
                        FM used to run at 27Mhz
                        (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                        • #13
                          Still does, just the channel spacings are different on US rigs, if i remember, i used to get CH14 on CH18 with my old US rig......

                          Had enough of wastin time at work! Goin home for a pint!

                          Anything you can do.......i


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by da SLUG man
                            what's the deal with licenses?

                            i got a slip of paper with mine saying that it complied with Eu regulations and did not need licensing...
                            just always keep hold of that, just incase!
                            Thats just to tell you its not gonna blow up in you face! Everything electrical has to come with a CE mark.
                            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                            • #15
                              To put your minds at rest the 27/81 configuration of radios will become fazed by July 2010 untill then you may use 80 channel radios. The European and US spec frequencies will become the norm but still only using FM and definately no other modes will be permitted. However they have relaxed on the power level allowing 10 Watts and half wave verticals also you do not need to purchase a license any more.

                              Use this form for reference it should answer all your questions.


                              For those of you who wish to improve on CB you can get a basic amateur radio licence over a weekends course giving much more freedom to the airways...

                              Their is a number of us on the forum who are licensed Hams and i think i speak for all of us in saying you can have many friends in many places but never meet any. You never know who has a ham license, many famous people hold them too, Jim Bacon the weatherman Steve Wright to name a couple.

                              Here is a link to give you some idea and any advice you may want

                              Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look

