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Blue surf in Enfield!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by TonyN
    hehe, true, but if the owner of the surf reads this, prap's they'll take a little more care next time. No need to name then, but worth mentioning it happened.

    If the ambulance drive had any anti-4x4 leanings, this will swing them all the way, irrational maybe, but its only human nature.

    Who can honestly say they've made no errors while driving, but we all have a good go at lorry drivers, M/C's, car drivers who drive bad, so why are surf owners exempt?

    Yep, I agree.


    • #17
      I agree with the sentiment that we all make stupid mistakes occasionally. I recently got out and apologised to an artic driver, probably risking a smack in the mouth, after he tailgated me for 3 miles flashing his headlamps. My first word were, "We all make stupid mistakes sometimes mate. I should know better because I used to drive trucks." The apology was accepted and the guy calmed down.
      The above is not possible with an emergency vehicle on it's way to a shout, but I'm sure the guy felt a complete plonker and reflected on his driving.
      The one that makes my blood boil (I have witnessed it on so many occasions) is the berk with his ICE system so loud that he can't hear the emergency vehicles siren, even though it is sitting on his back bumper and never checks his mirrors!!!

      What about an illuminated "sorry" sign next to the fog lamp?
      It's only a hobby!


      • #18
        Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
        What about an illuminated "sorry" sign next to the fog lamp?
        What a good idea!! Maybe some one could design something and it could be sold via the website and make a few extra pennies for "THE MANAGEMENT!"

        And then something good would have come out of someone's STUPIDITY!

        DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!


        • #19
          Was there not a campaign once to try and introduce a recognized "sorry" hand signal ? i seem to remember you are supposed to raise your left hand in front of your rear view mirror, ackowledging your mistake, and by way of offering an apology,



          • #20
            Originally posted by Richard Creighton
            Was there not a campaign once to try and introduce a recognized "sorry" hand signal ? i seem to remember you are supposed to raise your left hand in front of your rear view mirror, ackowledging your mistake, and by way of offering an apology,

            Brilliant LOL
            best post yet
            Don't work with tints damm
            no wonder I get tailgated


            • #21
              Originally posted by Dunno
              What a good idea!! Maybe some one could design something and it could be sold via the website and make a few extra pennies for "THE MANAGEMENT!"

              And then something good would have come out of someone's STUPIDITY!

              That's another patent-able idea I have given away LOL. I'll never be a millionaire!!
              I used to design and build my own light boxes (when DJ's used such things) so I guess I could come up with something.
              The only trouble is that some smart arsed lawyer will say that by flashing the sorry sign you are admitting that you drove badly or acknowleging that you are a crap driver by fitting one.
              I can already forsee problems with the idea. People use hazard lights as, "Park anywhere, no matter how stupid," lights. The sorry light will be used to mitigate shoving in and cutting up. Why am I so cynical?
              It's only a hobby!

