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Pancake Day......

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  • Pancake Day......


    Something different to eat...I'm sick of chicken and tuna on this diet...

    Tonight is a treat for me..

    Linda, who's cooking pancakes at your house?? I remember last year....

    Mind you , I can talk, my mum's doing mine ...ahem
    Had enough... going to live in Spain....

  • #2

    I love pancakes!

    For those who are wondering what Helen means re Linda.....


    (just for referance....... )

    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      So funny last year... I'd only joined a couple of weeks before.... confirmed my view you were all mad.... dunno what that says about me, i'm still here too

      Better get a packet of mix then Tony ....!!
      Had enough... going to live in Spain....


      • #4
        Hadn't realised it was pancake day was gonna make some chilli.....oh well will have to make some now.....lovely with sugar or honey on,...MMMMMM


        • #5
          This is my recipe for pancakes:

          Put a cup of flour and pinch of salt into a large bowl.
          Add an egg and a splash of milk. Mix until it makes your arm ache and keep adding milk/mixing until it just runs off the whisk but some of the mixture still sticks.
          Put a teaspoon ful of vegetable oil into the mix (this helps to disperse the bubbles that would otherwise cause the pancakes to break up or go lacy).
          Rest the mixture in the fridge for about an hour.
          To cook:
          Put a little oil into a non-stick frying pan. Heat until it is just smoking. Pour enough of the mixture to just cover the bottom of the pan. Once it has set on top flip the pancake over. Test to see if its browning on the other side.

          I like 'em with lemon and suger or strawberry jam. Mmmmmmmmm.

          The above recipe should make between six and eight pancakes. Just double or triple the quantities, depanding on how piggy you are.
          It's only a hobby!


          • #6
            Pancakes with apples and alcohol

            Pancakes with apples and alcohol yes alcohol

            Having these for tea can’t weight polish pancakes and they taste great yum yum

            The best pancakes can be made of hard, not very ripe apples. First, remove the nests and then cut apples in slices. Sprinkle the apple slices with lemon juice to prevent their darkening. You may add a bit of sugar, if you wish. Place the slices in a waterproof plastic bag. Add cherry liqueur and close the bag tightly.

            For every apple (not for every slice) use one and a half tablespoons of alcohol. I encourage you to experiment with "Cherry Cordial" liqueur or brandy. Leave the bag in the refrigerator overnight or lon-ger, so the apples can marinate. In the meantime, prepare the batter for pancakes. Use beer instead of water. Carmel beer or porter can give a very unique taste to your pancakes. You may add some sugar to the batter, which should be a bit thicker than the one for traditional pancakes. The batter should resemble light cream in consistency.

            Place the dough in the refrigerator for several hours. Then prepare your pan for frying by spreading a little bit of vegetable fat. Shake the batter and pour some of it onto the frying pan. The pancake should have a diameter of 4 inches. Shortly after, place a slice of apple onto the pancake and turn the pancake over. (A big frying pan should contain four such pancakes.)

            Pancakes can be done differently - such as the way people prepare them in Slovakia. The batter should be clear and thin as for regular pancakes. Apples soaked in alcohol (as described above) should be cut in cubes and covered with powdered sugar. Raw cubes are wrapped in freshly - made pancakes. Then one needs to put the pancakes in a microwave oven for a very short time. Pancakes are best if served with whipped cream, and chocolate flakes and topped with a cherry from the liqueur.

            All men make mistakes, but married men find out about them sooner.


            • #7
              I was listening to the radio today and they had this discussion on. I thought it hilarious when a women phoned in and said that a pancake wrapped round a choc ice was to die for.Unfortunately for me my kids were in the car at the same time and all three of them have been hounding me to go get some since i got home. Geez some people.

              Will post the results though
              I always work better wet .

              Its why I became a plumber!!!


              • #8
                I would post results of my pancakes

                But there is a "tiny" problem

                I've EATEN em

                Only one problem, I now feel like the turkey on xmas day - STUFFED

                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TonyN

                  I love pancakes!

                  For those who are wondering what Helen means re Linda.....


                  (just for referance....... )

                  NO pancakes for you now
                  unless you make um!!
                  Enjoying Life after Cancer


                  • #10
                    I started the thread last year and guess what .............................. ........I forgot it was pancake day today !!!

                    I will now have to have them tomorrow .

                    Rick ....with pancake withdrawl .
                    Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                    • #11
                      Just ate six- with plain lemon & sugar.....mmmmm



                      • #12
                        Hope you all added MILK & not WATER
                        (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR

