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Not working is great..........

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  • #31
    the mini trolleys cut down with a grinder make excellent portable barbeques! the handles dont even get hot!
    not that I would know
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #32
      Originally posted by dirtydog
      the mini trolleys cut down with a grinder make excellent portable barbeques! the handles dont even get hot!
      not that I would know
      They are also very good for moving heavy car parts... we have a few with gearboxes on...




      • #33
        Not working is great...........

        Originally posted by TonyN
        Just dropped Linda off at the station, now at home biting into a bacon sandwich on monday morning and not at work!!!!

        Life is good.

        Shame you need to earn money ....................
        I might just be joining the ranks of those that know. I haven't had a day out of work since the early eighties but I have just had a massive disagreement with the powers that be.
        They think it is a bit much that I shouldn't come into work after spending all night in A&E with a very poorly Mrs KS and most of today too. I have had 1.5Hrs sleep since yesterday morning. One collegue is on leave, the other uncontactable and good old honest me tells them I need to look after Mrs KS. I'm not fit for work myself due to lack of sleep............and I'm the one that's wrong. Now if I had just thrown a sicky everything would be OK! Apparantly work is more important than family. I really feel like telling them to stuff it. I am going to be marked absent BTW and a standard discipliniary will follow.

        Isn't work great! At the moment recouping some of my hard earned tax sounds appealing! Sorry about the RANT but I just had to get it off my chest.
        Last edited by kitesurf_phil; 8 February 2005, 18:15.
        It's only a hobby!


        • #34
          that would look good in the paper, local man looses job for looking after sick wife...
          it's in me shed, mate.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Chillitt
            that would look good in the paper, local man looses job for looking after sick wife...
            You don't know how tempted I am to become a whistle blower.
            It's only a hobby!


            • #36
              i'd give em one chance to wind their corporate necks in....
              what ever you do, dont quit! cos then you get nothing
              if they boot you under those circumstances have em in court.
              also if they start getting really sneaky phone citizens advise and ask em about constructive dismissal. if they make it impossible for you not to quit, you can have em for that too!
              meanwhile they will probably have calmed down by tomorrow....
              it's in me shed, mate.


              • #37
                WE all wish her well mate. Family comes 1st phil.
                (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR

