hi just thought i,d see if anyone knows where i can get a new aircon condensor(rad) at a reasonable price from mines gone pop
cant realy find anybody who lists one toyota 320 +vat local build 255+vat which still equals best part of 300. don,t wanna go down the secondhand route as these rads are know for oxidizing after about 6 to 10 years so dosent take much to work out i,ll be back at square one prety soon and at 65 quid a refill i wanna get it right first time so any help welcome as new
has dented spending power .
p.s usaul supplies sugested don,t even list em

cant realy find anybody who lists one toyota 320 +vat local build 255+vat which still equals best part of 300. don,t wanna go down the secondhand route as these rads are know for oxidizing after about 6 to 10 years so dosent take much to work out i,ll be back at square one prety soon and at 65 quid a refill i wanna get it right first time so any help welcome as new

p.s usaul supplies sugested don,t even list em