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  • Appeal

    Following my catastrophic HDD failure recently, I lost all my photos of the last year or so.

    I'm looking for any photos you lot may have on online galleries or websites of me and our outings.

    Please can I have the addresses so I can try and rebuild my collection.

    Thanks all


  • #2
    Dan - there are bound to be some on the trips and laning pages on our website - help yourself!!




    • #3
      HDD Fail

      Hi Dan

      Assuming you havnt reformatted yet it might be possible to replace the drive and then rescue your photos at a later date. Had a similar situation with my crappy dell laptop.

      Its a good excuse to get a bigger drive and with any luck all your data will still be on the old drive, in my case it was just the operating system that was corrupted.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Steadi
        Hi Dan

        Assuming you havnt reformatted yet it might be possible to replace the drive and then rescue your photos at a later date. Had a similar situation with my crappy dell laptop.

        Its a good excuse to get a bigger drive and with any luck all your data will still be on the old drive, in my case it was just the operating system that was corrupted.

        Thanks Mike. I haven't formattd the drive its in storage until I have the money to send to a specialist recovery firm. I've been through the usual software based recovery methods, but the drive has no file structure. It probably has had a hardware failure. The files are still there, but not readable or moveable. Just need to find £500 now! I've got over a years worth of family photos that I just cannot lose.

        Thanks anyway mate


        @ Linda, thx, I'll be downloading them soon.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Danno
          Thanks Mike. I haven't formattd the drive its in storage until I have the money to send to a specialist recovery firm. I've been through the usual software based recovery methods, but the drive has no file structure. It probably has had a hardware failure. The files are still there, but not readable or moveable. Just need to find £500 now! I've got over a years worth of family photos that I just cannot lose.

          Thanks anyway mate


          @ Linda, thx, I'll be downloading them soon.

          Warning to all - Back up your files, then back them up again (maybe on a different brand of media). Check that the copies actually work (I had some problems recently with cheap DVD media). Then store the copies appart.

          This kind of thing will happen more and more as we all move over to digital. Also it's an excuse for getting yourself a DVD burner!

          Good luck.



          • #6
            Originally posted by laser_jock@work
            Warning to all - Back up your files, then back them up again (maybe on a different brand of media). Check that the copies actually work (I had some problems recently with cheap DVD media). Then store the copies appart.

            This kind of thing will happen more and more as we all move over to digital. Also it's an excuse for getting yourself a DVD burner!

            Good luck.

            I back mine up and fortunately I also load them onto the website which is hosted, so when I had a major virus and had to rebuild my whole PC I didnt lose any. But it did teach me to be more thorough about backups and updating my virus software regularly!!




            • #7
              I have just had the same thing happen.

              You will need a new drive, for your new operating system.

              You will also need to track down an identical hard drive to the one that has failed. (try and get the same revision od drive controller) Very carefully replace parts from the new drive on the old drive....

              You can in some instances actually move the platters from the old drive into the new one... Got away with that one once, wouldn't recommend it, or wish to try to do it again.

              All you need to do is get it going.

              Recently had the same with a 40Gb HGST IDE drive. Did the above and got away with loosing 3 images...
              Did investigate getting the data recovered... but some were quoting in excess of £1500.00 just to look at it.



              • #8
                The only prob with a DIY repair is just one small peice of fluff will screw it up! Thats why I'd rather not risk it.

                Those photos mean to much, especially now I'm seperated from the wife and kids!
                I NEED TO OFFROAD!


                • #9
                  i could send you some pics and you could tell the lads it's your wife!...
                  nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                  • #10
                    I've got enough of those OF my wife (oops ex-wife)
                    I NEED TO OFFROAD!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Danno
                      I've got enough of those OF my wife (oops ex-wife)
                      cough... splutter!.... DAMN THAT HARD DRIVE!!!

                      i followed a link off yahoo (one of my x's profile thing) and she had some nekkid pics done!!... oh how i wish i'd never shown anyone!! (she was the size of a house and rough!)
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                      • #12
                        Whats the address?
                        I NEED TO OFFROAD!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Danno
                          Whats the address?
                          umm.... sure they've been deleted now!! uurrggh!!... you don't wanna look!... i was drunk!.... ask davie!... he showed everyone in the pub!... got called "big game hunter" for the next 6 months!
                          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                          • #14
                            Nowt to be ashamed of mate. C'mon PM to me, I wont show anyone on here. Honest!

                            We all made mistakes!!!
                            I NEED TO OFFROAD!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Danno
                              Nowt to be ashamed of mate. C'mon PM to me, I wont show anyone on here. Honest!

                              We all made mistakes!!!
                              can't find it now!.... this is going back a few years!... i'll ask dave if he remembers!... but you'll need a bucket!
                              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

