really p*ssed off, my mum went into hospital xmas day, her op went wrong and she ended up on a life support machine, very stressful time, but on the mend now. inthe meantime my dog became ill, rushed to vets, kidney failure, she died last thursday, very sad. and wait 4 it, yes i just failed my motorbike
test this morn, can't believe i failed, nerves got the better of me at a roundabout and went in the wrong lane, and all i was worried about was doing my u turn without putting my foot down, but did it perfect, even the instructor wanted 2 kick me. never mind i'll try again in 2wks. they say things comes in 3's, gutted about the dog, she was doing really well at the dog shows and she was only nearly 3yrs old, i'l miss her terribly.

the surf is running well thou

the surf is running well thou
