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right to life?????

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mrs Jotto
    Time to liven this up a bit.

    If your partner/husband/wife/child (delete as appropriate) was suffering from a terminal and painful illness and you wanted to help them end their suffering does it still mean you have no right to life if you helped to end theirs.
    Julie says thank you for some great answers.. keep 'em coming


    • #17
      If I can give the right to life to those who havent deserved to die then I would worry less on those who dont deserve to live.

      If it smells like fish, eat it!


      • #18
        I suppose it depends what you mean by 'live'. If you narrow the definition to breathing then I guess everybody has that basic right at birth. Whether they maintain that right depends on a persons own choices and actions. Just been reading a long thread on Yotatech about atheists and I think I must have picked up the mood.

        By the way - will the board get a mention on the thesis?

        My Pointer ate the dog trainer


        • #19
          Given the incredibly unlikely series of events that had to occur for you to be you.....

          The very particular sperm (one of millions on that occasion) that had to meet up with the very particular egg (one of hundreds, maybe thousands that a woman produces). That particular man (one of approx 3billion on the planet at any one time) had to liaise with that particular woman (one of approx 3billion women). They were also the result of similarly unlikely happenings etc etc etc. (
          Just goes to show that million to one chances happen nine times out of ten!

          OK, everyone feeling insignificant yet????

          Right, given how unlikely you were in the first place, how likely is it that I (also incredibly unlikely to be me) give a crap about your right to exist? How do I even know that you exist and are not just the bizarre figment of my already derranged imagination?

          Paul </Slugsie>
          Immortal.so far!


          • #20
            By the way - will the board get a mention on the thesis?

            Nope as her thesis is on
            "A Phenomenological Study into the Lived Experiences of Ileo-Anal Pouch
            Patients When Returning to Work"

            DON'T ASK!!!! (actually it's very good)
            NO WORRIES!


            • #21
              What about A LIFE FOR A LIFE as in an eye for an eye.
              EG A mass murderer electricuted for his role in brutally murdering people.
              ARNOLD SCHARZANEGGER turned down an appeal regarding a man who had been in prison since 1981 He was ELECTRICUTED this morning he had already served 24 years. The state has just re-introduced the electric chair, so why was he the first one to go through this.
              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


              • #22
                following on from this I find it ludicrous that someone who has kicked someone to death gets 5 years, but someone who has nicked ancient maps gets 4 years.....is this saying that some old pieces of paper are worth more than a person life???

                Aside from this and I know this may be strange with my grandmas funeral tomorrow, but if I was asked to aid someone I think I would be compelled to assist in some way after all other avenues were covered and that the pain and suffering was so unbearable and no medical advances could assist [although still wondering whether I would actually be able to go through with it] ....actions speak louder than Words


                • #23
                  I saw both my parents suffer with illness, and the black, empty, painful look in their eyes said more to me at the times they couldnt speak, than any words could describe. I felt completely useless and unable to help them medically, but if they asked for me to help them put them out of their suffering, and it was legal, I think I would of.


                  • #24
                    My mother has alzheimers, my father increased his alcoholism & smoking which lead to a larenjectomy - he can't talk for a week at the mo' and needs to see my Grandmother who's dying of cancer, my sister and brother dont speak to us as I found out they misappropriated monies from my fragile father. My best friends dad is dying slowly from lukemia, my other friends mother is dying from parkinsons and his brother (a truly dear friend) died through ill health and the worry of their mother in October and now my friend has no life as needs to help his father look after his mother, the friends mentioned are both single (need i go on) but their lives are taken over with the concerns of family.. i could go on..

                    In contrast I put my dachshund to sleep last week because he was 16 had numerous problems and all concerned said it was the best thing to do.. and when someone tells me they lost someone suddenly with no warning I say what a good thing.

                    Do I believe in euthanasia HELL YEAH! It's granted in my will! x

                    Jo. (the wife)
                    Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 19 January 2005, 23:45.


                    • #25
                      a friend of mine and a genuine good man had a massive heart attack at his 58th birthday party. as he was lying there waiting for the ambulance he said "what's a bloke got to do to get a cup of tea?" and died.
                      i can think of no better way to go.
                      as far as the original question, too much talk of rights, and not enough talk of responsibilities.
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #26
                        My first wife had MS from the time she was 11 until 38. In that time she got progressively worse, but it accelerated when she was 32 to the stage where she was doubly incontinent, couldn't walk or stand unaided and spent most of those last years in a wheelchair. She always said that if things got too bad she wanted to be allowed/helped to die when she wanted. Luckily for me, an embolism ended her life in hospital before it got to that stage, but if she had got there I probably would have helped her end it.

                        The most helpful comments though were given to her by an ambulance man, who told her exactly how to end her life in the most relaxed way. It would have meant my supplying her with what she needed and then going away for a couple of days so that I wouldn't be there when she died, as a safeguard.

                        We currently have a screwed up sense of morality in this country. You can quite happily have a healthy dog, cat, horse etc put down if they are a burden, but a terminally ill person who really would like to end their life quickly and painlessly is made to suffer because of it. Then at the other extreme, you have elderly people suffering from the likes of dementia who would probably live quite happily for years if properly cared for (but probably with little or no quality of life) being neglected, abused and starved to death in some of the appalling residential homes that they are stuck in.

                        In contrast, murderers, drug dealers and other such dregs of society, who really should be abused and starved to death, are given nice cosy cells, colour TV's and plenty of free legal aid to sue the State (i.e. you, me and all the other tax payers) just because they can't have all that they believe they are entitled to under the Human Rights Act. Personally, having commited such a serious crime, I believe they should not have any rights whatsoever.

                        Now all we need is a good right wing government to overturn all the bleeding heart liberal crap that's been forced on us by unrepresentative minorities over the last 50 years, get back to proper education in schools proper exams and testing grading systems and proper discipline in class, also loads of coppers back walking the beat to deter criminals, plus hospitals with cleaners that clean, nurses that nurse and civil servants that are both (civil and provide a service). Then this country just might be worth living in again.

                        There, rant over. Time for a double whisky!!!
                        Mike G


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Mrs Jotto
                          Time to liven this up a bit.

                          If your partner/husband/wife/child (delete as appropriate) was suffering from a terminal and painful illness and you wanted to help them end their suffering does it still mean you have no right to life if you helped to end theirs.
                          This is the point where I saw the debate turn from right to life to right to die. So with that in mind I will return to right to life.

                          Personal experience of a schitzophrenic (spelling please?) with an alcoholic problem that liked to beat up women and another alcoholic friend who has transpired to be a peodaphile all these years (to alls disbelief) you have to ask what drove them to it and like terminal illness is there a missing link/synapse (as likened to fibromyalgia) that can be found in order to help them? Or could therapy help banish their memories ghosting them.

                          We all have irregular thoughts but what's to say that some of us have the equipment to rationalise them and some of us unfortunately don't, could it then be seen as a disability.



                          • #28
                            Yes, Yes, Yes........

                            I agree with Gizmo and Tallyman totally. Why is it in todays society that the criminal gets the good deal. There is no longer a deterent for the criminals in society. Life is sacred, if some one should take it they should pay the ultimate price. I would boil all the bleeding heart liberals and do gooders . Why have paedophiles living in our neighbourhoods. Get rid of them . No right to defend property. Why bother locking doors. Let the buggers in and take what they want, I think all the M.P's that come up with crap ideas no longer have a sense of right and wrong , it's popularity they crave. Animals are put to sleep if they are ill. Humans who choose to die when they are ill cannot because of the state. I cannot believe we ellect these buffoons.

                            I am ranting now but lets get back to reality. Life is a thing to cherish. Why let others destroy it and get away free. Real issues need seeing to not ponsy idiotic ideas which are made up.

                            The End


                            • #29
                              Keep going.... good debate
                              NO WORRIES!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Springbok
                                I agree with Gizmo and Tallyman totally. Why is it in todays society that the criminal gets the good deal. There is no longer a deterent for the criminals in society. Life is sacred, if some one should take it they should pay the ultimate price. I would boil all the bleeding heart liberals and do gooders . Why have paedophiles living in our neighbourhoods. Get rid of them . No right to defend property. Why bother locking doors. Let the buggers in and take what they want, I think all the M.P's that come up with crap ideas no longer have a sense of right and wrong , it's popularity they crave. Animals are put to sleep if they are ill. Humans who choose to die when they are ill cannot because of the state. I cannot believe we ellect these buffoons.

                                I am ranting now but lets get back to reality. Life is a thing to cherish. Why let others destroy it and get away free. Real issues need seeing to not ponsy idiotic ideas which are made up.

                                Yes but human nature makes it easier; to hate than to like; to be aggressive rather than be compassionate; to misunderstand rather than understand. So help you if you're innocent and all have decided your fate!

                                Killing and quick fixes just runs crimes underground, 'prevention is the best medicine', finding the 'root of all evil'. We have to learn the signs from when they were young, through science and psychology.

                                In the meantime, YES they should be locked up relative to the crime for intense therapy, science and what makes them tick, withthe possibility of never being released. If we kill them now how do we know what to look out for in the next 'animal'. These people are incapable of rationalising their actions unlike us. I see it as illness in their conditioning.

                                I have been a victim.


                                The End
                                Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 20 January 2005, 12:13.

