Worth checking to see if you've been 'nabbed' recently!
I managed to get this website address from a friend of a friend in the
Police Service. It allows you to check if you are on their records as having
ever been clocked by a speed camera.
He also mentioned it is also used by Insurance companies, so be careful if
you change your insurance!
You need the following info :
The user name is Tiger
And the password is Parrot
If you have been caught there's even a facility to see the !!!!!! picture
they've taken of you!
I managed to get this website address from a friend of a friend in the
Police Service. It allows you to check if you are on their records as having
ever been clocked by a speed camera.
He also mentioned it is also used by Insurance companies, so be careful if
you change your insurance!
You need the following info :
The user name is Tiger
And the password is Parrot
If you have been caught there's even a facility to see the !!!!!! picture
they've taken of you!