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Surf on TV

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  • Surf on TV

    Who saw the London tonight bulletin about the sad gits protesting about 4x4s again in Hampsted.. The first car seen was a blue second gen so come on own who was it?
    Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look

  • #2
    yep, I saw that m8, what a bunch of sad !!!!s!!!!

    Loved the reply from the last woman interviewed in her 4x4....

    "Well, what car would you like me to drive then"

    Good on ya girl!!!!


    • #3
      who also saw the one on 'Billy Connollys world tour of New Zealand'?


      • #4
        Anyone played The Getaway Black Monday on the PS2? They have a Vauxhall Frontera in there, but also an unbadged 4x4 which looks exactly like a Surf, but it doesn't tell you what it is. For all other cars in the game when you are being chased the cops say "chasing a red/blue/whatever" and name the car. With this one they just say chasing a red car. I reckon it's a Surf.
        Real trucks don't have spark plugs


        • #5
          The 4x4 debate was raging on the local radio again this morning. The presenter was trying to be fair but I feel the anti's are getting the upper hand.

          By far the biggest argument was against the footballers wives look-alikes who drive their kids less than a mile to school, park in the opposite direction to the flow of traffic on the yellow zig-zags and discharge their kids from the road side of the car. Someone rather unkindly referred to the ladies that drive these vehicles as, "Tractor Tarts."

          Oh dear, the debate has reached a new high level.

          It's not the cars. Every type of vehicle has a fair percentage of muppets at the wheel.
          It's only a hobby!


          • #6
            I saw the report of an accident in a paper a little while ago. There was a 3 car pile up with a Citroen Zara, a BMW 3 series and a Freelander. The Citroen was totaled and driver hospitalised, the BMW pretty broken and driver minor injuries, the Freelander looked dented but the driver was uninjured. What are these anti-4x4 campaigners saying? They want us all to be victims together? Great.

            Admittedly if my 2 ton surf and another car came together the other car would likely be more damaged than if i was driving a Nissan Micra weighing 1/2 a ton and crumpling to nothing on impact but, er, that could be very dangerous for me.... uhm, if you can't beat em join em springs to mind. Sound callous but what can you do? Unless all cars were made exactly equal my preference is naturally going to be in one of the stronger ones. If i had children to consider then even more so. It doesn't matter how far you travel it's the speed that'll damage you. As you can get up to dangerous speed in a few yards I'd still want a strong car for going to the shops/school.

            I do worry about my bull bars and children pedestrians though. Would be difficult to live with knowing that someone died because i wanted to protect my car. Exactly how much difference the bull bar makes is debatable but i wouldn't be surprised if it was critical in a large enough percentage of cases to give real weight to the argument against them. Other than the tragedy of an accident I've got a feeling the pressure groups will be trying to make an example of someone soon, i wouldn't want it to be me. Easy bolt on and off bull bars for off roading use would be a good idea.

            PM ME IF YOU'RE SELLING A 2ND GEN 3.0TD...


            • #7
              There was also that nonsense on Channel 4, Monday night- "What Car Would Jesus Drive?" part of the War On Terra serries.

              Only caught the end of it- but it was a general pop at large engined American cars, SUV's (how I hate that word- don't ever use to describe a Surf!), Hummers and the like.

              The bit I saw featured one city in America where the Anti SUV w*nkers slash your tyres, maybe torch the car, draw a scene of crimes dead body sillouette on your driveway, then write beside it "One dead Iraqui to pay for your fuel". How sad is that?



              • #8
                Originally posted by NeilT
                Admittedly if my 2 ton surf and another car came together the other car would likely be more damaged than if i was driving a Nissan Micra weighing 1/2 a ton and crumpling to nothing on impact but, er, that could be very dangerous for me.... uhm, if you can't beat em join em springs to mind. Neil
                An interesting point- but you're just as likely to hit another truck these days. The last car I nearly had a head-on with was, strangely, another Surf! But equally well could have been a Disco, Rangie or 40 tonne HGV......



                • #9
                  Originally posted by laser_jock@work
                  There was also that nonsense on Channel 4, Monday night- "What Car Would Jesus Drive?" part of the War On Terra serries.
                  Interesting concept that a guy who's dad was God and who likes walking on water would be humming and harring over which car to buy. Surely it's obvious he'd have a Surf. Made me feel like the son of God when i drove it over a very wet Salisbury Plain the other week
                  PM ME IF YOU'RE SELLING A 2ND GEN 3.0TD...


                  • #10
                    I just love the way the antis are portraying every 4x4 owner as being hell bent on destroying the planet.

                    I for one recycle everything I can, compost all my biodegradables (except those that would attract vermin) buy items with the least packaging (because I am intelligent enough to realise that recycling itself requires energy) have built a wind generator (out of recycled parts) and I aim to run my Surf on 100% veg oil.

                    This group against "urban 4x4s" really get my goat. I live within quarter of a mile of open countryside and work in London. When on dayshift I use my noddle and park out of town, using the tube for the rest of my journey. When on nights I use my car to go all the way to work. (I work on the railway, so if I took the train and there was a failure, the train would not be available to get me to that failure). Would these loons have us buy a Smart car or similar for town driving, which would have used huge resources of energy to build in the first place and leave the 4x4 at home?

                    They just haven't thought it through.
                    It's only a hobby!


                    • #11
                      i was going to get a van, but they are banned from the recycling centres in warwickshire, and the leaflet from the council said '4x4(range rover style)' are welcome so 4x4 (range rover style it is!
                      as for accidents the most important way of avoiding injuries is not hitting anything.
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #12
                        And they're just not that uneconomical. Look at the new generation of diesel engines and they're fantastically economical for the power (BMW X5 etc). Most of these protesters probably drive old petrol engined things with similar MPG's to our trucks (old Volvo's and the like) but petrol takes more refining so must be less economical.... It's a phase that people are going through, it'll be back to sports cars again next, or 200mph motorbikes and on and on.... Just wish these people could find something really worth getting bothered about.... underfunding of the NHS, diminishing care provision for the elderly, state pension fiasco, over funding of war machine, not subsidising public transport enough etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.........

                        Do you know anywhere to get veg fuel from near Bath/Bristol? I've just moved down here and can't find anything on the web other than in Plymouth.

                        PM ME IF YOU'RE SELLING A 2ND GEN 3.0TD...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
                          Someone rather unkindly referred to the ladies that drive these vehicles as, "Tractor Tarts."
                          I would like to get that 'someone' and kick their a**e - that's really unfair to tractors. And just let someone mention my bull bar! I use mine for...errrr....pushing stubborn bulls through gates.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jax
                            I would like to get that 'someone' and kick their a**e - that's really unfair to tractors. And just let someone mention my bull bar! I use mine for...errrr....pushing stubborn bulls through gates.
                            I deliberately ommitted to mention that it was a woman who coined the phrase, "Tractor Tarts," and was sitting back waiting for a rant about MCPs. I was then going to reveal the source. Not that I would ever stir it!

                            I use my bull bar for pushing my Zook into the garage, when I have been a stupid **** and left the ignition on for two hours and can't start it.
                            It's only a hobby!


                            • #15
                              surely the great and good that run our country can find some way to differentiate between jax and her inalienable right to shove cows through gates and some silly slip of a thing in the middle of a steaming metrollups tooling around in a cayenne so she can look down her nose at the plebs?
                              now THATS stirring!
                              it's in me shed, mate.

