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  • #16
    I always use DC++ do a search fo rit as Im to lazy to find a link lol, You access peeps hard drives and take what you want sometimes getting very good Dl speeds I have had up to 150kbs average is 30kbs depending on how full the hub is. Only downside is you got to have a lot of share files on your pc to ge tinto the big boys hubs, I think I got about 32gigs of share on mine and theres only a few hubs I can't access. Good for films and just about anything Pc related too. try it you'll never use anything else, if you get stuck give us a shout and I'll sort you out


    • #17
      limewire - fast and efficient


      • #18
        i usually download stuff that i've already bought anyway so i can't see the harm in it... old stuff on tape and record...

        other thing is when i hear a song i like i'll download a few others to see if it's worth getting the album!... don't see the harm in that!... perhaps what they need is a free download service with a 30 day trial on songs or something like that!
        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

