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Short runs are not good for engine... is it true?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by adeel
    As the title suggests; so really it doesn't matter if you leave the engine running a little while you set off...

    I.e. turn ignition, adjust the seat, put seat belt on, plug Bluetooth headset in ear, place phone on cradle or passenger seat, select radio station and mirror signal manoeuvre...

    At the most 60 - 90 seconds... does it matter... is it harming the engine??? It's doing the same when stuck in traffic lights. I can understand not revving a cold engine???

    So what's the truth please?
    This is the point, time how long you sit in traffic some days, it don't matter, in slow traffic you'll barely be above tick over as well.

    5 or 10 mins idling won't do you any harm, and it give the car time to demist without all that scraping!

    Some people love quoting technical facts "leaving a motor idling is bad for it, etc", what they don't mention is you'll have to leaving it running for 5 days to do any harm.

    I can't think of any normal situation where you'd need to keep it running long enough to do any harm, and then the only damage will probebly be that some bugger has driven of in it!!

    If your motor is serviced regually, and has oil and water in it, don't worry about it!

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