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seems apt

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  • seems apt

    Hi all,
    Seems apt to do my first post today. Recently joined after buying my first Surf about 3 weeks ago after last car was written off by a horse flattening it. Had Subaru 4WD Brat pick ups for last 10 years so thought it was time for change and I've always liked look of Surfs. Quite happy so far - got the grin - except when I'm heading for the petrol station AGAIN!

  • #2
    welcome to the MADHOUSE dic
    happy new year mate, yes thats the only downer about the Surf (the fuel bills) still your get used to having your trousers staying up as you got no money in the pockets.
    Surf on and post so pics of your truck as soon as you can so we can grin with you too
    Enjoying Life after Cancer


    • #3
      something tells me that you had a good night last night pops judging by your spelling happy new year
      I always work better wet .

      Its why I became a plumber!!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mike66
        something tells me that you had a good night last night pops judging by your spelling happy new year
        you wont believe this but had to drive so only had one can of bitter all nite
        Enjoying Life after Cancer

