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self indulgent/pity in usa

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  • self indulgent/pity in usa

    I have just donated some money to the disaster fund that has been started for the poor people affected by the Tsunami, I just have to vent a bit of anger towards the American media more so to CNN, I was flicking through the sky channels last night and stopped to watch some of the latest disturbing pictures of the waves that have killed so many and left so many destitute, and the presenter went on to try to compare the situation we are seeing in Asia to 9/11, words along the line of we also in America know the what it feels like to have a disaster befall our nation when 2,976 people were killed in the attacks on the twin towers and Washington, he went on to heave more self pity on his great country, well wake up and smell the coffee America this was a NATURAL disaster not one served by people with a grudge against a particular nation or people, this was a disaster imho that will cost 10s of thousands more lives, there is no comparison, what happened on 9/11 was abhorrent but using their own words its not even in the same ball park buddy..
    rant over

    Last edited by firefly; 30 December 2004, 12:18.
    if a politition is talking its lying

  • #2
    Kettle + Pot!!! Don't you think it a bit self indulgant to announce to the world that YOU have just donated money!


    • #3
      well i saw it as a way to encourage others by clicking the link....

      it's a deeply distressing thing that has happened, so please think before you type, a slanging match would be inappropriate right now.
      [COLOR=red]Simon [/COLOR] '91 2.4td ssr-x


      • #4
        Pete i certainly didnt want to give the impression that i was bragging about giving money to what i consider a good cause, i didnt mention any amount as to what i donated, and if you consider that bragging well just shows what a sad and sorry world you live in sorry for any offence caused in advance
        if a politition is talking its lying

