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i luv mi surf

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  • i luv mi surf

    up until recently i have been a little paranoid with the old gel due to a minority of people on this site having probs with there trucks, up to yet touch wood i have not had 1 prob with her, and the little accident that i had a few days ago restored my faith......................... .....

    the accident was- like a plonker i run into a brick wall outside my property..
    oh yeah i also knocked the wall over.. first thing to do was to check what damage mi baby has sustained. so got the truck to the bottom of the driveway and checked her over. what was i to find ???? well. ...nothing not a scratch so i looked at the wall and then the surf and then the wall and then the surf..... well you get the idea, still stunned about it now. The only thing that i can think of is that the wall must of been in a bad shape to start with to not cause any damage to the truck .....

    with my better half carring our first child (due next march) i think it as also given her a bit of confidence with all the nutters on the roads(like me who knocks walls down ) that the junior surfer will be in a safe enviroment!

    what a truck i think shes great!!!!!!

    watch the old gel blow up 2morrow
    CHEERS JOHN................

  • #2
    watch the old gel blow up 2morrow

    not a nice thing to say about the wife!!!!
    Enjoying Life after Cancer


    • #3
      Originally posted by pops
      watch the old gel blow up 2morrow

      not a nice thing to say about the wife!!!!
      lol nice 1.

      as long as her head dont crack
      may have to give her a coolant change just in case..........
      CHEERS JOHN................


      • #4
        do you think shes running hot then??
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #5
          That just proves Clarkson and Co where not faking it with the pick up!!

          Enjoy the peace and quite whilst you can Slim it will all come to a sudden end in March!!

          Have a good Christmas

          DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dunno
            That just proves Clarkson and Co where not faking it with the pick up!!

            Enjoy the peace and quite whilst you can Slim it will all come to a sudden end in March!!

            Have a good Christmas

            well its funny cause iam one of those that cant hold baby,s. i feel as though i may squash it sounds daft but true. so all my fears have got to come to an end come march dirty nappys black poo i have had all the storeys but yet i still cant wait.....
            CHEERS JOHN................


            • #7
              Slim, I was the same with babies, couldnt hold them for fear of hurting them. When its your own it's entirely different as they need you to hold them and change black poo nappies (its not as bad as it sounds). I still wont hold other peoples babies but took to it really well with my two. You will have too much to think about and do to worry about that anyway, good luck!!!
              If it aint broke...........give it some more abuse!!!!!!!!
              I gave it some abuse.................and it broke!!!!!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by pops
                do you think shes running hot then??
                a little bit prob wants her rad flushing!!!!
                CHEERS JOHN................


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Smurf
                  Slim, I was the same with babies, couldnt hold them for fear of hurting them. When its your own it's entirely different as they need you to hold them and change black poo nappies (its not as bad as it sounds). I still wont hold other peoples babies but took to it really well with my two. You will have too much to think about and do to worry about that anyway, good luck!!!
                  cheers for the moral support ithink i will need it!!!!!!!
                  CHEERS JOHN................

