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Ordering Keys from numbers ?

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  • Ordering Keys from numbers ?

    anybody know any good sources for getting surf keys from key numbers. I have gone and lost my only original key and now I am left with a poorly cut copy that only opens the passenger door but thankfully works the ignition.

    i was smart enough to write down the key number but local toyota dealer werent overly helpful....( i leave that conversation to yr imaginations )

  • #2
    stolen keys

    I hav also had my keys stolen, dyou know were I can get them cut from chassis number?

    Originally posted by jonny595 View Post
    anybody know any good sources for getting surf keys from key numbers. I have gone and lost my only original key and now I am left with a poorly cut copy that only opens the passenger door but thankfully works the ignition.

    i was smart enough to write down the key number but local toyota dealer werent overly helpful....( i leave that conversation to yr imaginations )


    • #3
      you won't get one from the chassis number, you'll need the keycode, it's normally stamped / printed onto the ignition barrell, but you need a key that works to remove the barrell easily, rumour has it it's also on the tailgate keyswitch casing, which can be removed from inside the vehicle fairly, you'll have to climb into the boot and take off the carpeted panel on the tailgate and metal pane behind it, remove the holder for the keyswitch, undo the wiring plug then push the keyswitch through to the outside to remove it completely, but may be able to read the code off it without taking it right out.
      =SOLD UP!=

