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2 Car Insurance Policy?

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  • 2 Car Insurance Policy?

    Hi all,

    Does anybody know any insurance company that does a 2 car policy?

    as I keep drawing blanks and their must be other people out there that have more than 2 cars in their own name?

    Can anyone help???

  • #2
    I think that Lifesure will do a second policy with some NCD, the only other way to do it is with a traders policy which was just under a grand T P F & T only.


    • #3
      Hi i have a traders insurance and fully comp with my wife as a named driver it is £1450 a year but unlimited vehicles and as stated fully comp.
      I had no, no-claims and 3 points.
      If this helps i can give details


      • #4
        Traders Policy

        Originally posted by ukviha
        Hi i have a traders insurance and fully comp with my wife as a named driver it is £1450 a year but unlimited vehicles and as stated fully comp.
        I had no, no-claims and 3 points.
        If this helps i can give details
        HI there, could you give me the details of the traders insurance company?

        Do they have a website?

        It would really help me out

        Many Thanks


        • #5
          trade insurance

          Hi I use Choicequote www.choicequote.co.uk they are agents for chaucer and are the cheapest fully comp trade insurers and i tried a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          put trade car insurance in google and look for choicequote if link does not work


          • #6
            Traders Policy

            Originally posted by ukviha
            Hi I use Choicequote www.choicequote.co.uk they are agents for chaucer and are the cheapest fully comp trade insurers and i tried a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            put trade car insurance in google and look for choicequote if link does not work

            Many Thanks for that I will call them in the morning to find out more! Top Bannana!!!

            Q:Are you a trader or is it easy to get a traders policy even if you are not a motor trader, but someone who has 2 or 3 vehicals which you drive on different days? I'm not a motor trader just want to insure a few cars!


            • #7
              Hi state that you ARE a trader part time and work from home and all vehicles are left outside of house and that you sell around about 10-20 a year, i didnt have to prove anything i just stuck the vehicles i had at the time down as stock.
              i trade part time with imports from Japan as well


              • #8

                Originally posted by ukviha
                Hi state that you ARE a trader part time and work from home and all vehicles are left outside of house and that you sell around about 10-20 a year, i didnt have to prove anything i just stuck the vehicles i had at the time down as stock.
                i trade part time with imports from Japan as well

                Hi Thanks for that I will give it a go and see what they say!!

                Always good to have more info than dropping myself in it!



                • #9
                  I insure both my cars with Lifesure. They created a new policy fro the second car and mirrored my no claims across to the new policy


                  • #10
                    i used to have a traders policy but they got real fussy about what stock i had so i just got a regular one... didn't carry any no claims over from it either!
                    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

