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Long distance towing?

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  • Long distance towing?

    I've got to take the Nissan Sani back to Zim but don't have a second driver so I’ll be looking to tow it with the 4Runner. What is the safe and legal procedure for towing it? In the UK the police advise a special front wheel "dolly" for towing another vehicle but a solid bar (2m) is also allowed , here in SA I suppose it’s similar. Is it OK (mechanically) to tow a selectable 4wd vehicle if I use an A frame?


  • #2
    Originally posted by bundubasher
    I've got to take the Nissan Sani back to Zim but don't have a second driver so I’ll be looking to tow it with the 4Runner. What is the safe and legal procedure for towing it? In the UK the police advise a special front wheel "dolly" for towing another vehicle but a solid bar (2m) is also allowed , here in SA I suppose it’s similar. Is it OK (mechanically) to tow a selectable 4wd vehicle if I use an A frame?


    A frame should be fine. As long as the front wheels are steering OK (ignition switched to accessory so that the steering lock is off, and you knock the transfer case in neutral all should be fine. It will feel a bit wierd however it should be driveable. A dolly would be better as it gets the front wheels off the deck and makes the whole thing more solid however the A frame should do it OK. Just don't forget the ignition bit as most steering locks lock the steering slightly away from straight ahead which will make the whole thing go crablike.



    • #3
      Originally posted by bundubasher
      I've got to take the Nissan Sani back to Zim but don't have a second driver so I’ll be looking to tow it with the 4Runner. What is the safe and legal procedure for towing it? In the UK the police advise a special front wheel "dolly" for towing another vehicle but a solid bar (2m) is also allowed , here in SA I suppose it’s similar. Is it OK (mechanically) to tow a selectable 4wd vehicle if I use an A frame?

      Should be ok, put the transfer box in neutral to reduce drag & gearbox wear, this is especially important if its an auto as towing an auto with the driven wheels on the ground can cause damage to the gearbox, putting the tx in neutral should protect either type of tranny.

      **Edit** Pipped at the post by Andy
      Last edited by Morr; 2 December 2004, 15:40.
      Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


      • #4
        I presume that you will need to add a light board to the rear of the towed vehicle over there as well.


        • #5
          Originally posted by marky
          I presume that you will need to add a light board to the rear of the towed vehicle over there as well.
          We are talking Southern Africa not London here - I'm sure half the motors don't even have working lights on them let alone on a trailer or towed vehicle.

          Sorry Enzo, not dissing your adoptive country, however I have seen the pictures of your old Landrover - made out of old fenceposts and angle iron I seem to remember



          • #6
            Not my fault, i dont know their laws it was just a suggestion fill it with goats then. Its also ok to tow it with OXON


            • #7
              Originally posted by marky
              Not my fault, i dont know their laws it was just a suggestion fill it with goats then. Its also ok to tow it with OXON
              Laws, what are they, anyway Sheep or goats is good as long as you have a decent restraint system, don't want a Ram or a Billie in the back of the head when you brake.


              • #8
                Thanks for the suggestion of the light board, I'll look into it, but it is a good idea. Lucky - the only prob is the "bush" police have a long list of "fineable" offences - approx £20 a fine - but if you buy the policeman "lunch" (approx £5) they usually "let you off"! Then there are the frikkin toll gates! No road tax here just toll gates and there are at least 6 toll roads between here and Zim at over £4 per gate!

