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deisel 89 pence per litre NO WAY
I would be very wary of running their reccomended mix of used veggie and 3% white spirit, this had been tried by many people and found not to reduce the viscosity enough.
Some statements on their page are also a bit erronous,
In tests it has been found that 'used' vegetable oil has a slightly changed chemistry similar to that of manufactured Biodiesel that has been through a refinery process called transesterification. This process is a reaction of the oil with an alcohol to remove the glycerin.
Also transesterification is not "a reaction of the oil with an alcohol to remove the glycerin", but a chemical reaction in which the alcohol replaces the glycerin in the presence of a catalyst and heat.
The only way to significantly reduce the viscosity of veggie, especially used veggie is by the removal of the glycerin.
Hundreds worldwide in their collective experience would advise against the white spirit method, prefering biodiesel, dual fuel derv and heated veggie, blends of derv/veggie, biodiesel/veggie or petrol/veggie, or even pure unheated veggie in certain cars/climates, all of which are well proven.
Have a read of some of the links posted on the other threads for plenty of info on the subject.
Great to see people looking and searching for alternatives, but personally i don't feel this sites suggestion is truely a viable one.
Having said that, do your own research and if you wish to try it, I'll wish you luck, and let us know how you fare.Last edited by Morr; 25 November 2004, 20:52.Maurice
Hilux Surf FAQ at
Hi Pete. For about a month I was running on 40L of SVO (new Straight Veg Oil) 5L of unleaded and a litre of kerosene per fill. I did about five tankfuls with no, "apparant," problems. Unfortunately I have done my elbow in and not been able to carry the cans, so I was unable to find out how it performs in the colder weather. I am now paying 86p/L again.
It is something that you could, should you wish, try but I am no mechanic (still very much on the learning curve). Like Maurice says, there is plenty to read up on both on the net and in the librarys. Read and make up your own mind. Surprisingly not everything on the net is true!It's only a hobby!
Originally posted by shipmy truck,s that hard it,s running on a mix of pure lard and beef dripping
shipIt's only a hobby!