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BMW add made me laugh

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  • BMW add made me laugh

    An add came on the radio today and while the serious voice went on about how pilots need lightening quick reactions from their equipment he eventually named the technology ........ 'Bi-WIRE TECHNOLOGY'

    Straight away I was thinking they cant be trying to scam this one after all these years but thats exactly what they were doing. He went on to call BMW's ultra new responsive system 'Drive By Wire'

    They must be getting away with this, dont the masses know this stuff is old news?

  • #2
    MICROSOFT are writing the Software for BMW & MERCEDES cars. BLUE SCREEN will confuse people


    • #3
      Originally posted by marky
      MICROSOFT are writing the Software for BMW & MERCEDES cars. BLUE SCREEN will confuse people
      And you'll have a lot of trouble finding the ctrl alt del keys in a car!!


      • #4
        Old but relevant:

        The Microsoft Car

        Microsoft Announces a Major Corporate Diversification Into the Car Making Business.
        The major design criteria are:

        Economies in interior design are based upon uniform size back-sides seats are all the same size and standard distance from the steering wheel.

        The cars will only run on Microsoft petrol (Microsoft LP Gas will be announced soon ..)

        The oil, alternator, low-fuel and engine management system warning lights will be replaced by a single "General Car Protection Fault" warning light.

        Delivery strategy is such that the consumer is under constant pressure to upgrade (modestly priced "upgrade" kits will be available either dealer fitted or self install). Support for self install is an extra cost option, cost based upon the number of calls and the number of callers.

        You can only have one person in the car at a time, unless you buy Car95 or CarNT but having bought one of these, you still need to purchase more seats.

        Occasionally, for no reason at all, the car will die for no apparent reason and restarting is a simple turn of the key .. strangely, this is accepted as normal.

        Every time the lines on your normal road are repainted, you must buy a new MS Car

        People would get excited about the new features of the Microsoft car, forgetting that the same features have been available from other car makers for years .....
        and not to forget

        Sun MicroSystems will make a car that is solar-powered, twice as reliable, five times as fast but will only run on 5% of currently constructed roads.
        Just gotta finish doing the next mod...


        • #5
          More old ones here

          Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


          • #6
            I'm looking forward to someone using the Help facility:

            Q. "What's happening?"
            A. You have broken down.

            Q. Why?
            A. Have you downloaded any new programs onto your desktop?

            Q. No.
            A. Press Ctrl, Alt and Delete together.

            Flicker, flicker.

            Please contaclt your program vendor.
            It's only a hobby!


            • #7
              ERROR READING DISK
              Abort, Retry, Fail
              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR

