Afternoon fellas!
Hoping someone can help me on this one a.s.a.p (hoping to purchase on way home from work).
It's time to change the oil & filter (1st time since purchase in Sept) and after looking in the Halfords shelf-reference booklets I'm none the wiser. There doesn't seem to be a 3.0TD for the similarly yeared 4Runner & I don't know what engines the Toyota LCs use.
Can anyone either confirm what other Toy' models use the 1KZTE (1993), or what filter make/model you guys use out there in your 3.0s?
Cheers in advance

Just thought - forgot to look up the UK Hilux, do they use a 1KZTE in any variation of them?
Hoping someone can help me on this one a.s.a.p (hoping to purchase on way home from work).
It's time to change the oil & filter (1st time since purchase in Sept) and after looking in the Halfords shelf-reference booklets I'm none the wiser. There doesn't seem to be a 3.0TD for the similarly yeared 4Runner & I don't know what engines the Toyota LCs use.
Can anyone either confirm what other Toy' models use the 1KZTE (1993), or what filter make/model you guys use out there in your 3.0s?
Cheers in advance

Just thought - forgot to look up the UK Hilux, do they use a 1KZTE in any variation of them?