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Nice to meet you today !

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  • Nice to meet you today !

    For those I saw at Devil's Pit today....

    Thanks to Rick for taking the wife round the site and thanks to John in his Surf for letting me ride shotgun on a run.

    Barbara says cheers to Pops for borrowing a coat, told her she'd need one but does the wife ever listen !

    Weird seeing Land Rover Discos going off road - normally only see them on the school runs while driving to work.

    Will be up for another trip to the site once I've got a couple of things sorted out with the Surf, and if someone wants to sit in the passenger seat and tell me how to drive the thing then please do.

    Really had a good time even though I decided not to take the Surf round the route.

    See you all again soon.

    Andy ( ancl ) & Barbara

  • #2
    It was a good day wasn't it? I was the guy with very muddy waterproofs who spent a lot of time looking under the bonnet of a Zook.

    I'm going again on the 5th December. See you then.
    It's only a hobby!

