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Spotted...@ HarryFeeney (Blackpool)

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  • Spotted...@ HarryFeeney (Blackpool)

    Mornin' All

    Was in Feeney's in Blackpool on Friday afternoon and spotted a Surf parked down the side. Think it was on a H/J plate (can't be sure tho) - Was it yours?

    Do you use Feeney for servicing? If so, what are they like honesty/service/price wise?

    [aka Paul]

  • #2
    Feeney's dont seem to have a problem with the Surf (never have anything in but will always try and get it for you next day) Was going to use them for my rear bearings (i think they wanted £250 +vat) but decided to do the job myself

    They have the EPC with all the Surf models but it's just as well if you give them a part number. If you want a copy of the EPC give us a knock and I will run a copy off for you.


    • #3
      Would'nt mind a copy of the epc myself Rob, if you can spare one.

      I'm in costa del B,puddle in the morning so would be available to reccy m8.

      If it smells like fish, eat it!


      • #4
        Kev, will run you one off now, if you want to pick it up while passing i'll be in most of the day................pm me and i'll give you my addy

