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sorry another newbie question

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  • sorry another newbie question

    Picked up my surf about 2 hours ago,im well impressed so far.
    My question is what is the switch on the right hand side of dash next to rear fog light switch,when i push it the revs pick up??
    Oh yes its a 3.0ltr turbo deisel.

  • #2
    Originally posted by chappers
    Picked up my surf about 2 hours ago,im well impressed so far.
    My question is what is the switch on the right hand side of dash next to rear fog light switch,when i push it the revs pick up??
    Oh yes its a 3.0ltr turbo deisel.
    As you have discovered it makes the revs pick up - useful when warming it up while you scrape the ice off it !!!!!!! - yep it's there just to make it rev faster when you are not using the throttle.


    Ps the cure for a shiny bright surf is called mud, get your prescription on the 28th on Salisbury Plain !
    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      Thats the idle up switch used to fast idle the engine in park or neutral.Its for when you are warming engine from cold or putting a heavy load on your alternator such as using a winch.


      • #4
        it,s an idle up switch m8, for when you are using a winch etc:



        • #5
          Thanks all,what a !!!!!! good idea.


          • #6
            I want an idle down switch for when I recline the seats to have a kip!
            It's only a hobby!


            • #7
              I've got an idle down switch - turns itself on when I get to work....


              • #8
                according to my missus, I've got a bone idle switch, but I've yet to find it to switch it off


                • #9
                  i think we,ve all got an "idle vice".........
                  ......now, there,s a song somewhere.........
                  blossom and snow makes u bloom and grow ????

                  CARL.... playin in da snow
                  2.4 T.D,s should carry a government health warning

