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Help. How Do I Get Engine Oil Off Dogs Paws?

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  • Help. How Do I Get Engine Oil Off Dogs Paws?

    Took Lady for a walk earlier and she's got what looks like engine oil on all four paws. I'm pretty sure I know where she picked it up from. The local chavs method of doing an oil change is to park over a storm drain and undo the sump plug. After the heavy rain today several of the drains overflowed, leaving an oil slick on the ground.
    Mrs KS is not impressed. Oily black paw prints all over the wooden floor in the hall and on the new kitchen carpet tiles.
    I have managed to get the worst off with olive oil.
    It's only a hobby!

  • #2
    doggy paws

    try butter, or vegetable oil, rub it all in then wash off with shampoo


    • #3
      Rub in very diluted fairy liquid......then wrap in kitchen towel for about 10 mins.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
        Took Lady for a walk earlier and she's got what looks like engine oil on all four paws. I'm pretty sure I know where she picked it up from. The local chavs method of doing an oil change is to park over a storm drain and undo the sump plug. After the heavy rain today several of the drains overflowed, leaving an oil slick on the ground.
        Mrs KS is not impressed. Oily black paw prints all over the wooden floor in the hall and on the new kitchen carpet tiles.
        I have managed to get the worst off with olive oil.
        had the same happen to my dog the paws took some getting clean and so did the nice blue carpet. but flowers and choclates didnt work the trick with the better half had to take her shopping, oh my god! me and shopping do not mix. so unless the dog can learn how to do an oil change he is not allowed out when iam giving the surf a bit of tlc........
        CHEERS JOHN................


        • #5
          TEN MINUTES -I can't even tear a sheet off without Maddie trying to eat it ket alone put it on her paws..............
          Seriously - good luck and careful which shampoo you use, some containing tea tree can be toxic I believe!
          How do you remove chewing gum from behind a dog's ear? (I AM serious on this one and you don't want to know!)


          PS anyone go to "discover dogs" at Ealrs Court this weekend?


          • #6
            hold an icecube on the chewing gum until the gum hardens, it should then break up into pieces.
            [COLOR=red]Simon [/COLOR] '91 2.4td ssr-x


            • #7
              Thanks for all the suggestions. The vegeteble oil appears to have got the worst off. I found some Halfrauds heavy duty wet wipes and cleaned off with those. Another go with the sunflower oil seems to have got the rest off. Lady likes sunflower oil and is finishing the job herself by licking her paws. I guess her coat is going to be nice and shiny again!

              I just hope she doesn't start to run on vegoil
              It's only a hobby!


              • #8
                Originally posted by stara
                hold an icecube on the chewing gum until the gum hardens, it should then break up into pieces.

                Wish someone told me that when we got it on our cat once - poor thing had a bald patch thanks to a trim with the ol' kitchen devils
                Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                • #9
                  hehe - our labs are always getting covered in something... the blonde one loves rubbing against car exhausts, oil patchs are obviously designed for paddling in, everything needs to be licked!! The black one sported a nice white patch for a day or so from the gloss paintwork at Stevenage!! Worst ever was when they rolled in something longdead when out playing - took weeks and several baths to get the smell out - they walked around permanently smelling of Opium perfume (all I could find) for a few days to drown out the pong!!




                  • #10
                    I would cut the paws off - blood is easier to clear up than oil. oh dear now the misses has seen this i'm in trouble!

                    sounds stupid but when it happened to ours i used a mix of liquid soap and washing powder, worked it in then washed off.


                    • #11
                      for engine oil, use battery acid

                      for chewinggum, stick the dog in the freezer.

                      don't use toothpaste to remove grease from new carpets cos it leaves white marks! (got shot of grease a treat though!)
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                      • #12
                        Stick the dog in washing machine , 40 degree wash , non bio powder , low spin speed .

                        That way its not too hot for the dog and low spin will reduce chance of vomitting when you open the door .

                        Well if it aint drowned first !
                        Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!

