While my surf has been away (and still is
) having the fuel injector pump sorted (again) I've been thinking about what minor jobs I need to do when I get it back and one of these is the A bar.
On mine the cross member is rusted through near where the spot lights are generally mounted although the rest of the structure is fine so I got looking at a replacement option.
My question for you wonderful folks is whether the mounting for a nudge bar of some description is Surf specific or could I just slot one on from a Pajero or Shogun for example?
Also are the mountings specific for certain models or could I fit a bar from say a 2005 to my 93 (plucked the year from thin air as an example, not actually looked for 2005 bars!)?

On mine the cross member is rusted through near where the spot lights are generally mounted although the rest of the structure is fine so I got looking at a replacement option.
My question for you wonderful folks is whether the mounting for a nudge bar of some description is Surf specific or could I just slot one on from a Pajero or Shogun for example?
Also are the mountings specific for certain models or could I fit a bar from say a 2005 to my 93 (plucked the year from thin air as an example, not actually looked for 2005 bars!)?