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  • spots

    where can i get new glass for my spots i think they are the ones that come with the truck

  • #2
    Thats pretty vauge, TBH, You don't tell us what truck you have, let alone accessories on it!!

    There are loads of aftermarket spots around, Genuine Toyota spots are very rare, I got some for my 4Runner at a autojumble once, but have never seen any on Surfs I've had here.

    Pics would be a great help, maybe someone has a spare broken one they can sell you.

    You may be better off just getting a new set of lights.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      its a surf four runner L reg sorry lads i am new to the 4x4 scene


      • #4
        Originally posted by cramp View Post
        its a surf four runner L reg sorry lads i am new to the 4x4 scene
        It can't be a Surf and a 4Runner.
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #5
          Originally posted by cramp View Post
          its a surf four runner L reg sorry lads i am new to the 4x4 scene
          S'ok, only trying to help. Post a pic of the broken light, and see if anyone can help you out. I have a pile of old spots I've taken off bulbars.

          (Hilux Surf is the name of Japanese home market market trucks, the 4Runner is its name around the rest of the world. You probably have a Surf.)
          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


          • #6
            ok m8 like i say iam new to theese imports big step up from a astra


            • #7
              Originally posted by TonyN View Post
              S'ok, only trying to help. Post a pic of the broken light, and see if anyone can help you out. I have a pile of old spots I've taken off bulbars.

              (Hilux Surf is the name of Japanese home market market trucks, the 4Runner is its name around the rest of the world. You probably have a Surf.)
              anoith dull quiestion how do i put a pick up


              • #8
                Where do you want to put the pick up? Drive it there? Was that the end of the sentence?
                Surf if you got a wave. Wave if you got a Surf.™


                • #9
                  Originally posted by J i m s t e r View Post
                  Where do you want to put the pick up? Drive it there? Was that the end of the sentence?
                  how do i puy a photo on here


                  • #10
                    when writing a reply, scroll down a bit and you'll see an manage attachments button. Click this and choose browse to find the phone and then click Upload.

