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1996 SSR-G 3.0 Turbo Intercooler Model

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  • #16
    blimey m8, talk about a see saw of emotions.........I now feel ever so guilty, I've got a picture of your homestead turned upside down, your kids crying cos you smashed their piggy bank, and now I got this awful feeling of you not making it here cos ya only surviving on one kidney!!!!.................... .jeez!!!, i just don't know what to say................er????, I know what to say, yep I'll take the money, cos you still got one good kidney and the kids can use an old jam jar for their money...........lol

    right, seriously !!!, I'll get the rest of the pics up later, as I've just got in from night shift. We're in Essex, nearest town being Rayleigh.

    Have you got an email?, and I'll send you directions.
    Might have to be mid afternoon as I've got to take my boy to a footy match on saturday with an 11'0 clock kick off. Should be back by about 1.30 -1.45, is that any good to you??




    • #17
      here you go deegz

      its been falling down here all day, so I've give it my best with the digi

      hope they're ok m8.
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Originally posted by Fieldsy
        blimey m8, talk about a see saw of emotions.........I now feel ever so guilty, I've got a picture of your homestead turned upside down, your kids crying cos you smashed their piggy bank, and now I got this awful feeling of you not making it here cos ya only surviving on one kidney!!!!.................... .jeez!!!, i just don't know what to say................er????, I know what to say, yep I'll take the money, cos you still got one good kidney and the kids can use an old jam jar for their money...........lol

        right, seriously !!!, I'll get the rest of the pics up later, as I've just got in from night shift. We're in Essex, nearest town being Rayleigh.

        Have you got an email?, and I'll send you directions.
        Might have to be mid afternoon as I've got to take my boy to a footy match on saturday with an 11'0 clock kick off. Should be back by about 1.30 -1.45, is that any good to you??


        serious (just for a sec ) sorry to mess ya round so much but it really has taken some doing just raising that couple of hundred extra ....but it is done, thank the good lord for giving us an extra kidney just for occasions like this ....if i post you my email understand that i dont want any strange pictures of your wife (unless she"s fit as **** )....deegz@deegz.freeserve.co. uk....which ever time is easy for you no problem with me....hope you make nice coffee
        the b****y dogs have been at it again


        • #19
          is this fit enough m8............................ .I wish

          I'll mail the directions asap deegz......................hop e the anaesthetic is not wearing off to soon, one kidney and a long drive is not good!!!!

          ............who needs a cup of tea, I got a fridge load of stella !!!!

          about 1.30 - 1.45 would be great deegz


          Attached Files


          • #20
            She's a vampire. She has no reflection!


            • #21
              I wondered why I keep getting it in the neck..........anyway, theres no reflection cos you cant copy something thats perfect


              • #22
                hehe! good answer.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                  She's a vampire. She has no reflection!
                  yea but vampires are goooood.... they can suck a golf ball thru 30ft of garden hose (well mine can ) plus they dont ask you to take them shopping when the footies on ....on the down side tho they can cost a fortune at the dentist....young fieldsy, ya got a sale kiddo... , to go south of the gap tho, do i need a passport .....
                  the b****y dogs have been at it again


                  • #24
                    just get them to stamp "Essex Boy", you'll be fine, they'll probably supply you with a complementary hoodie aswell.............

                    see you Saturday deegz............thats subject to the hospital letting you out with ya one good kidney !!!!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Fieldsy
                      just get them to stamp "Essex Boy", you'll be fine, they'll probably supply you with a complementary hoodie aswell.............

                      see you Saturday deegz............thats subject to the hospital letting you out with ya one good kidney !!!!
                      hospital! what hospital, done it myself, bottle of jack daniel and a blunt spoon...tough as **** up here ya know....
                      the b****y dogs have been at it again


                      • #26
                        Ah!!!!!!.............jack daniels now ya talking

