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Unexpected night-time excursion

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  • Unexpected night-time excursion

    I went to a party (or "rave" as the less-hip call them) near Chilham at the weekend. The directions were atrocious and I ended up driving along Dane Street and The North Downs Way around 3am, with some poor sod in a Honda Accord (with 4 people on board) following me.

    Dane Street is uphill all the way, with some good bumps and ruts. The North Downs Way was a lot narrower but easier on the bump stops.

    It was extremely enjoyable in the Surf (though it would've been more fun if wet) but I extend my deepest and most sincere sympathies to the suspension of the Honda.

    No pictures, I'm afraid; my mobile phone's camera isn't all that at the best of times but in the dark forest, with no flash, it's useless.