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teach the wife to drive offroad - centres?

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  • teach the wife to drive offroad - centres?

    Hi all and merry xmas...

    I want to buy my wife a "driving off road session" for her birthday. She isnt at all "girly" really and would enjoy getting dirty (in a muddy kind of way).

    We will be in our Surf (2nd gen, 2" lift, 31" ATs), and it would be great for her to see what it can really do, so she gets confident using it, but also to have some FUN

    I envisage paying an "instructor / teacher".

    We will be in the EastAnglia/East of england as far as Yorkshire area in late April next year- and would like to book something now.

    I would be ever so interested to hear your recommendations!

    Thanks all.
    ps we also have a Series lll ex MOD 109 Landy at home which she isnt confident about driving either, so somewhere with a similar vehicle to put through its paces would be a nice addition too.

    pps Access to a skid pan nearby would also be useful, she isnt confident about back-wheel slides either, and where we live it gets really icy....

    Happy new year all.