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Expansion tank ovrr flowing

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  • Expansion tank ovrr flowing


    Been running my surf around. All has been fine - runs well
    Im replacing the rad as it needs replacing , but my expansion tank seems to be over flowing...
    I think this was due to the rad cap being in effective (didnt feel right or tight on rad) - so i put the cap off of my new rad, i topped up the rad, and now a small amount more has come out onto the battery (expansion tank was already full so no room to expand....)
    I also think i didnt top the rad up enough...

    Also the big pipe to the rad is more pressurised than it was a week ago, but maybe because i didnt top the rad right up to the cap..... Which i should of done.

    Am i panicing un neccasarily so? It hasnt cooled properly since the new cap.....

    Drained some fluid of the expansion tank, to about the max mark, topped up rad, and after 2 short jourmeys the radiator level is the exact same... So looks like it was the radiator cap...
    Last edited by Jameswallace; 1 June 2013, 18:20.