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Punctured Power Steering Fluid reservoir

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  • Punctured Power Steering Fluid reservoir

    I had a little problem on the weekend I was hoping you guys could provide some advise...

    My Hilux has the winter battery option, and on the weekend i took out the secondary battery (trying to fix the horn), and was stupid enough to leave the positive terminal floating around without anything covering it. At the time i was sure it was pretty secure and would not touch anything, I was wrong....

    I was driving and the car just stalled. I knew something was up so i had a look under the hood and the positive terminal had come into contact with the Power Steering Fluid reservoir. It must have made enough sparks to puncture a small hole in the reservoir. I am just lucky that no fire started, can’t believe how stupid i was...

    Anyway the hole in the reservoir is quite high up (above the usual level of the power steering fluid) and I used some epoxy to plug the hole as a temporary measure.

    My question is, do I need to replace the reservoir? Or are my temporary repairs going to be ok considering the fluid should never get as high as the hole anyway? Does the power steering system get put under pressure??

    It seems to be running ok, the steering feels fine and there is no sign of any leak out of the hole.

    Any suggestions?
