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ATF Overheating

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  • ATF Overheating

    Hi All,

    I have bought a 1992 2.4 Surf Auto diesel. I am intending to take this to Afirca, however I am concernred about overheating of the auto transmission fluid and would like to know the best way to prevent this? I did read a superb thread on the site about a device that could be bought from ebay, but when I checked the ebay page it had been taken down. Any thoughts on how to prevent overheating in hot climates would be very much appreciated. I am aware that this model had problems with a tendancy to crack cylindar heads and as such some were recalled. Is there any way of knowing if mine has been recalled or whether this may be a problem.

    Also, the surf seems to have the ability to carry a spare wheel under the car as well as on the back. It just seems to be lacking the actual components to fux the wheel in place. does anyone know if this can be done? which model will have these components, and if they can be transfered to other models?

    Thanks very much