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ADD dismantling and repair

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  • ADD dismantling and repair

    Some help, please. I believe that the ADD actuator rod is not moving, so 4WD will not engage. The motor whirrs merrily, and that's it. The vacuum lines on the front drive shafts work and correctly lock the bits that need to be locked.

    Am I correct in thinking that 'A' is the end of the actuator rod, and when in 4WD it will project out ? In order to give it all a good clean, should I undo bolts 'B' first or bolts 'C' ?

    'C' will release the motor from the main casing but I cannot see how that will release the rod from whatever internal coupling it may have, allowing the whole assembly to be withdrawn. Will the removal of 'B' allow me to take of the small triangular cover and lift out the gears that must drive the rod in and out ? Any advice gratefully received. Thanks for reading !
