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  • Toothbrush

    Toothbrush... The President of Acme Toothbrushes is packing up his files and papers in anticipation of his Friday afternoon round of golf, when suddenly his desk intercom buzzes. "There's a gentleman here to see you, sir," his secretary says. "He's here for the sales position."
    Grumbling unhappily, the President tells the secretary to send the man in. In walks this man -- short, ugly, balding, and speaking with a strange harelip.

    "I'm here for the job," he says.

    "Fine" says the President. "You have a one-week trial period. Pick up the toothbrushes outside." With that, he leaves.

    One week later, the short man shows up again.

    "Well?" says the President.

    "Not so good, sir. I only sold 5 toothbrushes. But give me one more week! I'll do better! I'll be the best damn salesman in your company!"

    "Fine. Go and sell them then."

    The following week, the short man shows up at the office again and proclaims, "I sold 2,000 toothbrushes!"

    "What?! How did you do that?"

    "Well, it was quite simple. I went to the airport, you see, and I set up a table for the people coming off the plane. I had a bowl of chips at one end, toothbrushes in the middle and dip at the other end. They would take a chip, walk past the toothbrushes, and get some dip. I'd ask them, 'How's the dip?' They'd say, 'It tastes like SH1T!' And I'd say, 'It is! Want to buy a toothbrush?"
    If it aint broke dont fix it