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really dumb one

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  • really dumb one

    There were an Jeep owner and a Surf owner working as spies in Germany during the 2nd WW. Unfortunately they were captured and as spies were to face a firing squad.

    "I know" suggests the Surf owner "just as they are about to shoot distract them and then you aught to make it over the wall". "Ok" says the MG owner "we'll try it".

    Surf owner is put up against the wall. Firing squad aims. About to shoot when he shouts "Look out! Flood!!", pointing behind them. Firing squad turns round - no flood - but by the time they've turned back he's over the wall and gone.

    Jeep owner is next against the wall. "Easy" he thinks, having seen the Surf owner get away.

    Firing squad aims. About to shoot when he waves his hands and shouts "Fire!!" (oops)