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Nelson Mandela

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  • Nelson Mandela

    > >> >Nelson Mandela is sitting at home watching TV and drinking a can of
    >when he hears a knock at the door. When he opens it, he is confronted by
    >little Chinese fella, clutching a clip board and yelling,
    > >>"You Sign!You sign!"
    >Behind him is an enormous Lorry full of car exhausts.
    >Nelson is standing there in complete amazement, when the Chinese man starts
    >to yell louder, "You Sign! You sign!"
    >Nelson says to him, "Look, you've obviously got the wrong man", and shuts
    >the door in his face.
    >The next day he hears a knock at the door again. When he opens it, the
    >little Chinese man is back with a huge Lorry of brake pads. He thrusts his
    >clipboard under Nelson's nose, yelling, "You sign! You sign!"
    >Mr Mandela is getting a bit ****ed off by now, so he pushes the little
    >Chinese fella back, shouting: "Look, go away! You'vegot the wrong man.
    >don't want them!" Then he slams the door in his faceagain.
    >The following day, Nelson is resting, and late in the afternoon, he hears
    >a knock on the door again. On opening the door, there is the same little
    >Chinese man thrusting a clipboard under his nose, shouting, "You sign! You
    >sign!" Behind him are TWO very large lorries full of car parts.
    >This time Nelson loses his temper completely. He picks up the little man
    >by his shirt front and yells at him: "Look here you little Chinky *******,
    >don't want these! Do you understand? You must have the wrong name! Who
    do you
    > >>want to give these to?"
    > >>
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >> >The little Chinese man looks very puzzled, consults
    > >>his clipboard, and
    > >>
    > >> >says:
    > >>
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >> >(It's a beauty wait for it)
    > >>
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >> >(Get your best Chinese accent ready)
    >> >>
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >> > >> >>
    > >>
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >> > >> >> "You not Nissan Main Dealer?"
    ex Burgundy 2.4 owner