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Not so handyman

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  • Not so handyman

    A rather dim man named Tom wants to earn some cash. He decides to hire himself out as a handyman and starts canvassing a wealthy neighbourhood.
    At the first house, he asks the owner Gerald, if he needs any odd jobs doing.
    "You can paint my porch," Gerald says. "I'll pay you £50. The paints in the garage."
    So Tom heads for the garage.
    Gerald's wife overhears the conversation. "Gerald, does he realise that the porch goes all the way around the house?", she says
    "He should," Gerald replies. "He was standing on it".
    A short time later, Tom returns to collect his cash.
    "Crikey!" gerald exclaims. "You've finished already?"
    "Yep," replies Tom. "And i had some paint left over, so i gave it two coats."
    Impressed, Gerald reaches into his pocket for a £50 note.
    "Oh, and by the way," Tom adds knowingly,
    "thats not a porch....it's a Ferrari."
    HELEN xx