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which size filter???

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  • which size filter???

    after reading about the fuel pump, and doing the resistor mod, it made me thinking that a good clean before all of that it could be good,

    i started before (while ago) cleaning and smoothing the manifold air intake, due i put the intercooler of a prado,removed the EGR as well while i was at it,

    so now i opened the pump to remove the spill valve to be able to clean the filter, that to my surprise the finest of the filters had big holes, do any of you know the size of it?

    now looking for the right replacement,

    what would you say its the right size of this link?

    i will apreciate any help,

    another thing i still got the original fuel pump, but i can still get the resistors of the pump of the intercooled prado i took the bits off, i guess by doing that it will give me a bit extra power, right? or all wrong?

    many thanks
    Last edited by budweiser; 4 March 2016, 00:16.
    the wolf is always bigger when you are scared!!