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Newish surf owner, new to website, new to diesel

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  • Newish surf owner, new to website, new to diesel

    hey everyone. payed way to much for the surf. 7000 cad
    usually they go from 2500 to 10,000 out here.
    but it the 2.4 and the injection pump went 2 months into ownership.
    now a year later the head is in such bad shape im only getting 300 km to a tank

    follow this link for image
    https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/11949309_727947437334103_20751 49844575951633_n.jpg?oh=d4b7ff 24148340d105841f27496b8cb8&oe= 5672B12C

    anyways ive got a few questions, i used to have the answers all in bookmarks but i lost everything. and I work out of town, 12 hours a day or the next 16 day and with cooking, commuting, hygiene, and physiotherapy I don't have much time for research before my next days off so I need some help from you fellow enthusiasts so I can order parts to be here on my days off so I can get this dealt with before it dies 400 km away from my home.

    typical 2.4L head problems, so I wanna toss a new one on.

    does the 3L fit and will I see any gains in mileage, or power ?
    does anybody know where to buy a completely assembled head NEW ? Does anybody make one ?
    does anybody have a source for parts that will ship to Canada

    I believe there was more but it's been a long few days so I can't remember but I will be checking back often.
    I also plan on building my own exhaust manifold in the future and custom intercooler setup so I will be a frequent poster with all the work I do to my royal pain in the ass of a surf, but she is a beaut and she is mine so I will do everything in my power to make it last, and worth while having.